When Will Smith smacked the shit out of Chris Rock at the Oscars, liberals went into overdrive to figure out a way to take the blame off of the black smacker. First they tried blaming Trump, but that was a stretch, even for liberal D-bags, so now they’ve settled on racism. NBC has a “think” piece up that blames Chris Rock as a racist for making a joke about Will Smith’s wife.
The Oscar smacking incident started when Rock, who was presenting an award, made joke about Jada Pinkett Smith’s bald-ass head. Apparently Jada has a condition called alopecia in which her hair falls out. I don’t know if I actually believe that since she has a full-scalp of stubble. Squad member Ayanna Pressley has alopecia and she has a skin head, not a stubble head.
Whatever. This doesn’t matter but what does is this real headline on NBC:
Chris Rock’s Joke About Jada Pinkett Smith Was Rooted In Racism
Comedians make jokes. What Rock said was hurtful.
However you feel about Smith’s reaction to Rock — and there are many who seem to be split on it — this incident points to a concerning and larger issue that Black women continue to face around their natural hair not being good enough and being made to feel ashamed of wearing it proudly.
Racism and patriarchy have taught Black women and ultimately made them believe that their natural beauty was ugly, undesired and needed to be changed to fit in culturally. Hair has long been tied to the worth of a woman, but Black women have grown up spending a fortune on hair care products to avoid “short nappy hair.” Rock’s words are feeding into this harmful rhetoric around Black women’s hair. They’re breathing new life into the disrespectful way our hair has been politicized and ridiculed for centuries.
Chris Rock is black but somehow still racist for making fun of Will Smith’s untalented insufferable wife. Huge, if true.
As it turns out, there’s another black guy who is racist for this incident. Here’s another real headline, this time from The Guardian:
White outrage about Will Smith’s slap is rooted in anti-Blackness. It’s inequality in plain sight
I also find it hard to believe that the same white audiences who consume violence against Black people on screen to an almost fetishistic degree (and are quite happy to have the Academy reward these gratuitously violent projects year after year) are so distraught about an open-palm slap. Again, this kind of performative pearl-clutching is only ever reserved for Black men who mess up.
But white outrage isn’t the only problem. For Black people who have been conditioned to constantly perform the most non-threatening version of themselves in order to retain white approval, the image of a Black man being “violent” in a space notorious for its overwhelming whiteness must have felt like an abomination. The ESPN commentator Stephen A Smith lambasted the actor on Twitter for “staining” the greatest moment of his career, before taking to a video to express his disappointment.
Stephen A. Smith, a black man, is racist for being disappointed in Will Smith for his immature and violent outburst? This racism thing is an evil mother*cker if it can even make black people racist.
The liberal media could have gone the route of accusing Chris Rock of assaulting Will Smith by hitting his hand with his face but racism is so much easier. Everything is racist to the left including a black comedian making a joke about a black woman.