Black Thug Beats White Man Unconscious And Throws Him On The Train Tracks

There are two kind of articles about hate crimes: The first being the results of studies that “prove” Trump’s presidency has caused a rise in hate crime and the second is minorities attacking white people for no other reason than their skin color. If the liberal media is to be believed, Trump is making black people assault white people. One of those victim’s of Trump’s racism lashed out at a white man in Pennsylvania, beating him unconscious and throwing his body on some train tracks.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that on Saturday at a train station in Pittsburgh a black man attacked a random white man, almost killing him. Charles Basarab, who is white, was waiting for a train at the Wood Street Light Rail Transit station, when Willie J. Hayes, who is black, approached him.

Witnesses said that Hayes said he was going to kill Basarab because he was white. With that, Hayes began punching Basarab knocking him unconscious. Hayes then picked Basarab’s limp body and tossed it on the train tracks.

“I [expletive] told you I was going to kill you,” said Hayes as he looked down at Basarab.

Thankfully Hayes didn’t kill Basarab and we was taken to the hospital, where he had no idea how he ended up on the train tracks. He did however remember that Hayes initially attacked him, saying he’d kill him for being white.

While Basarab didn’t die, he was severely injured. He had several fractured ribs, broken facial bones and a broken arm. On top of that he was bloodied, bruised, and had internal bleeding that required surgery.

This may come as a shock, but in addition to being a racist, Hayes is also a real piece of shit. He was convicted of aggravated assault in 2005 and according to the news has a history of assault-related charges going back over a decade. The news didn’t say if all of these assault were also racially-motivated.

Hayes was arrested and charged with aggravated assault, attempted murder, and ethnic intimidation, which is Pennsylvania’s version of a hate crime. He’s being held on a $50,000 bail, which doesn’t seem like that much considering the viciousness of his crime. If he wasn’t such a low-life piece of shit who doesn’t have enough money to hire a lawyer, he could be out on the streets again for as little as $5,000.

This happened last Saturday but chances are you haven’t seen anything about on the mainstream media outlets. The reason is obviously that it doesn’t fit the liberal media’s definition of an actual hate crime because a white guy was the victim of a brutal racially-motived beating at the hands of a black man. If the races had been reversed, you can bet your ass this would have blown up all over the leftist press.

The liberal media would have blamed Trump if this was a white-on-black attack, so why isn’t someone like Cory Booker or Kamala Harris getting accused of causing this? Just for the f*ck of it, I’m going to blame Maxine Waters. Her hateful anti-Trump rhetoric is obviously forcing black people to attack whitey and she should take responsibility for this.

While there are 2 kinds of hate crime stories in the liberal media, there are actually 3 types of hate crimes: white people getting assaulted by minorities, trans people being killed by their gay lovers, and minorities lying that white dudes in MAGA attacked them. None of these 3 equals a wave of Trump-inspired hate, but as I said, the media has a narrative and they’ll be damned if they’re going to let facts change it.