2 Months Ago Biden Said ObamaCare Was A Failure, Today He Called It The ‘Affordable Carrot’

Joe Biden brought Barack Obama to the White House to help boost his sagging poll numbers. This appearance was under the guise of celebrating the 12th anniversary of the passage of ObamaCare. Just 2 months ago Biden said the law was a failure but today he said it’s the bees knees. Actually, he called it the “Affordable Carrot” which is even weirder.

This was Joe at the White House today before getting lost:

Biden described the Affordable Care Act as, “a law that’s transforming millions of lives.”

“When uh, Barack, when you signed the affordable carrot into law, it became the most consequential piece of health insurance, pat, most consequential piece of legislation, in my view, since the creation of Medicare and Medicaid,” Biden said.

Tell me he doesn’t call it the “affordable carrot.”

“It made a difference in people’s lives everyday,” said Biden of the ACA.

“Over 31 million people now have insurance through the Affordable Care Act. 4 out of 5 Americans can find quality coverage for under 10 dollars a month,” Biden lied.

That’s an even bigger lie than Obama’s “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Those cheap-ass ObamaCare policies don’t cover anything and come with massive deductibles.

I speak with experience on this one. I had an ACA-compliant “affordable” plan that was $100 a month, not less than $10. About a year and a half ago, I was hospitalized and the policy covered almost nothing. I ended up paying for nearly all of it. The awesome ObamaCare policy also didn’t do much for the medication I needed when I got out. It was $800 a month for pills, and the ObamaCare policy brought that down to an unaffordable $650 a month.

I won’t leave you hanging on this one, I eventually got some good insurance But it costs me a shitload of money every month. I’m not poor enough to get free health care and not rich enough that it doesn’t matter.

Biden went on to say how ObamaCare has made everyone’s life better and given affordable coverage to millions and millions of Americans.

But hold on a second, this was Biden in Early February:

“Everyone has less money in their pockets today because of high drug costs and health insurance and it’s more expensive for everyone,” said Biden.

Gee, that doesn’t sound like ObamaCare has made everyone’s life better by giving them affordable health care and neither does this:

“Over the past decade health care costs have gone up fifty percent,” Biden said.

The Affordable Care Act was passed in March 2010, which was 12 years ago and was implemented in January 2014, which was 8 years ago. I wonder if there’s any connection to a piece of shit health care law from a decade ago and the 50% rise in health care costs over the last decade.

All of this leaves me a bit confused: How are health care costs up 50% since the Affordable Care Act passed and at the same time, it’s given everyone in America affordable health care?

I actually know the answer to this one: Biden is a lying sack of donkey crap. ObamaCare was and is a complete piece of shit that only enriched insurance companies. It never made anything affordable for anyone except the unemployable societal leeches and illegal aliens who get free, if not crappy, health care.