Joe Biden Gets Lost Inside The White House

Last year Joe Biden got lost on his way back to the White House and this year he celebrated his dementia by getting lost inside the White House. I was going to speculate on what he’ll do next year, but after what I saw today, I don’t think he’ll still be around then.

The Biden/Harris administration is so terrible and unpopular that they dusted off Barack Obama and brought him to the White House in hopes of pulling their poll numbers out of the toilet. Making this even funnier, Obama was on hand to commemorate the passage of ObamaCare.

You knew things were going to be weird becuase when Obama entered the room with Biden and Harris, it sounded like Ric Flair kept yelling “woo!” over and over.

Both Kamala and Barry delivered remarks and they both sucked but we’re here to focus on the disturbing weirdness of Joe:

It looked like Biden needed a little snack while Obama was speaking. Either that or he was taking his dementia pills.

Earlier, Obama “accidentally” called Biden “vice president” and then tried to play it off as a joke. Biden then introduced himself as Obama’s “vice president” in what certainly didn’t seem like a joke. This was kind of an extension of calling himself “Joe Obama.”

After talking about how awesome ObamaCare is, Biden then signed an executive order that he said would “fix” ObamaCare. That’s when this happened:

Some people play air guitar, Joe Biden air fondles little children, I guess. Maybe that was Joe’s version of Kung-fu. Anything is possible.

Following the signing, Joe got up and was suddenly lost in the crowd:

This is a moment that the liberal media should make a big deal out of but won’t. You can actually see the moment Biden’s brain shuts down. He’s like an Alzheimers patient lost at the mall. The only difference is, he’s in the White House surrounded by dozens and dozens of people he supposedly knows. Well that and he’s the illegitimate President of the United States.

If this doesn’t show Biden should be forced out by the 25th Amendment, I don’t know what does. This dude’s mind is gone. He has brief moments of lucidity, but then it’s back to his dementia world where he drives a truck with Big Mama.

Obama should have been concerned that his supposed friend is this far gone but the former president was too busy basking in all of the attention he hasn’t gotten in the past 4 years. If it ain’t about Obama, Obama don’t care.