And Let’s Check In On The Democrats’ Reaction To The Likely Demise Of Roe V. Wade

We’ve seen the irrational freak-out from Hollywood liberals over the likely demise of the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Nobody however pitches a shit-fit like democrats so we should check in on them and see how they’re taking the inevitable overturn of Roe v. Wade:

Isn’t fighting and resisting a Supreme Court decision a little insurrectiony?

Hillary Clinton has killed more people than women who have died from not having an abortion. Not surprising but still outrageous.

Democrats Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Gary Condit, John Edwards, Anthony Weiner, Al Franken, John Conyers, and Joe Biden disagree with the Pelosi’s claim that it’s Republicans who disrespect women.

So people would be arrested for attempted murder? What is this world coming to?

Black Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who is married to a white woman and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, who is also in an interracial marriage, are plotting to ban interracial marriage. Leave it Fang Fang’s bitch to have the dumbest possible take.

In case you were wondering, this is the reason for the leak of the SCOTUS decision: The democrats are trying to scare people into keeping them in power in the midterms so they can eliminate the filibuster and pack the Supreme Court with liberal Justices.

Is it weird that somebody has to explain to AOC that butt-f*cking and dudes marrying dudes are not Constitutional rights? Probably not because she obviously can’t wrap her head around the fact that nowhere in the Constitution does it explicitly or implicitly say people have a right to kill unborn babies.

Democrats are pretending that they’re shocked and outraged, but this leak was by design and and another dirty trick from the left. They are already fundraising like crazy off of it and they believe it will motivate people to come out and vote for their horrid party in November.