Florida Claims It’s First Victim—Teacher Who Identifies As “Pansexual” FIRED For Discussing Sexual Orientation With Students—VIDEO

Casey Scott, a Cape Coral Middle School teacher in Florida who identifies as “pansexual” claims she was fired because she spoke with her students about sexuality.
This from en-volve.com.

“A discussion happened in class and because of that, now I’m fired,” she told NBC2.

Per the NY Post “Pansexual refers to someone who is attracted to all categories of people regardless of their sex, gender identity or sexual orientation.”


On March 28, 2022, Governor Ron SeSantis signed an historic bill into law which is designed to protect parental rights in education.
The following from flgov.com.

House Bill (HB) 1557, Parental Rights in Education, reinforced parents’ fundamental rights to make decisions regarding the upbringing of their children.

The new law prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through 3rd grade and prohibits instruction that is not age appropriate for students and requires school districts to adopt procedures for notifying parents if there is a change in services from the school regarding a child’s mental, emotional or physical health or well-being.

The law builds on the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which was signed into law in Florida last year.

Now, may this single act of removing a law-violating teacher from the classroom be the caveat necessary to show the State of Florida is serious about children and education.

And may additional states soon follow the example of Florida.

God speed to Conservatism.

And May God and our hard work save America