SCOTUS Overturning Roe v Wade May Be the Saving Grace for Our Republic—Expect Untold Strokes of the Liberal Leadership (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday lashed out at President Trump for appointing three “anti-freedom” conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

This from

Pelosi was literally accused by Dana Bash of failing to “play the long game” and failing to see the Republican’s actions coming to fruition.

She was barely able to choke and mumble:

Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become President of the United States?

It’s well worth reminding ourselves:

Trump’s final Supreme Court pick replacing far-left Ginsburg with Amy Coney Barrett swung the highest court of the land farther to the right and opened the door to overturn Roe v Wade.

And, not to wish bad health on anyone—wink, wink—the soon-to-be-announced SCOTUS decision may be the “Big One” for Nasty Nancy.

We can rightly next expect, Def-Con News readers, that Nasty Nancy P. will stroke out about the same time The Supremes come forth with their decision.

Watch below Nasty Nancy choking and mumbling:

Who would have ever suspected that a creature like Donald Trump would become president of the United States, waving a list of judges he would appoint, therefore, getting the support of the far right. And appointing those anti-freedom justices to the court?

Such a proud moment for President Trump and Conservative America alike. Surely, watching the tape of Nasty Nancy must have been a joy for the President.

Pelosi is a broken and bitter woman at this point in her career—eyeing the end of her congressional leadership with this huge loss and she mistakenly blames President Trump rather than all of Conservative America.

In this interview she also demonized the conservative justices on the Supreme Court and said they were “dangerous to the freedoms of a country.”

Noteworthy, Pelosi was caught flat footed in the interview. She went on a tear about rights and scolded CNN host Dana Bash.

Beware in terms of marriage equality. Beware in terms of other aspects…this is a dangerous court to families, to freedom which is why people have to mobilize!

Will Nasty Nancy be held responsible for the violence the insane radical left bring down upon America because she told them to “mobilize”? Don’t hold your breath for that.

But do watch the beginning of her stroke below:


Click HERE for the interview of Nasty Nancy by Dana Bash.