“To Obama, the Threat to Democracy Doesn’t Come from Government Power, But the Lack of It”—Daniel Greenfield Eviscerates Barack Obama’s Stanford Speech—And Raises the Bull Sh*t Flag

Obama gave a speech at Stanford University less than a month ago where he claimed that the answer to the destruction of the U.S. government is more government.

This is inherently what communists think and what communists want the proletariat to think.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

Daniel Greenfield penned an Op-Ed at Israel National News, where he addressed the madness of Barack Hussein Obama.

Greenfield reported on Obama’s recent speech at Stanford University. The Gateway Pundit reported on this previously.

Daniel Greenfield had this to say about Obama’s speech—here are some key points:

Like every Obama speech, “Challenges to Democracy in the Digital Information Realm” didn’t offer anything new, just a distillation of familiar talking points and misplaced assumptions

The assumption at the heart of Obama’s speech and that of the range of arguments depicting free speech as a cultural and national threat is that the purpose of discourse is state power

Introduce disagreement and you “raise enough questions” that people “no longer know what to believe” and then “lose trust in their leaders”, “mainstream media” and even “truth”. Stripped of all the Brookings Institute globalist prose, what Obama is really saying is that individual disagreement undermines the state. And that truth is dependent on public faith in the state.

This is a value system utterly at odds with the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, one which envisions an intimate link between individual speech and state authority that would have horrified King George III, but absolutely delighted Hitler or Stalin.

It assumes that there can be no other legitimate points of view other than the official one and that there should be no leaders except those who share them. Limiting the range of opinions is necessary to protect state power because there is no distinction between them and the state.

This Kenyan Muslim has been dangerous to America ever since Big Money spotted him languishing uselessly in the U.S. Senate and promoted him into the White House.


OBAMA—One Big Ass Mistake America.


The analysis by Greenfield above is a valuable explanation of the far-left, Barack Hussein Obama, AND communism.  But, of course, the three are all the same.

Obama came to the U.S. Presidency with one wicked intent—the “Fundamental Transformation of America”—and a determination, in true Marxist fashion, to eliminate the cornerstone known as the American election system. He, along with the mentorship of George Soros and the funding of Soros, Zuckerberg, et al, has accomplished that.

The 2020 elections and Our Republic were stolen from We the People. Disgusted, yes! Embittered, yes! Determined to Take Back Our Republic, yes!

We the People must not let this corrupt, un-constitutionalism stand. And indication is we will either succeed in restoring Our Republic to its proud place in the world or go down trying.

Please note that this current struggle in which we are involved will not have been for naught. The American people will have been reminded and will know for generations to come that communism and the American democrat-communist party do not exist for the betterment of the people or the nation.

They are a self-aggrandizing lot, as history has proven.

Finally, to quote Rush Limbaugh in his apt description of our political enemy:

What is it they’re upset about? They’re upset about the democratic process when they lose.

The country is worthless when they lose. The country, the Constitution doesn’t mean anything when they lose.

Trying to tell us this is a solemn day, [they] start quoting Benjamin Franklin?

So then we had a question. ‘One of the biggest criticisms of the process has been the speed you’ve moved here. What about that?’

Senator Joseph McCarthy was apt to warn us in the early 1950s that communists and Soviet spies and sympathizers had infiltrated the United States federal government, universities, film industry, and elsewhere throughout the country.

We did not believe him. And we now are feeling the results of the communists’ successes and the “speed” at which they “moved here”

God speed to Conservatism.

May God and our hard work save America.