‘WOW, TEN Times the Audience of Trevor Noah’: Late Night TV Ratings PROVE Americans Are SICK of Woke, Leftist BS (Greg Gutfeld is WINNING!)

Greg Gutfeld is winning the Late Night TV ‘wars’.

This from twitchy.com.

And what’s most interesting about his success is that he didn’t inherit an already successful show like Kimmel or Fallon, he created his own product for Fox News and he’s destroying the competition.

Certainly it’s great for Gutfeld that Americans are sick and tired of the woke BS and look to late-night television for entertainment, not sanctimonious lectures and shaming.

This trash talk is directed at you, Trevor Noah. Pull your head outta your a** and listen.

Look at CNN and MSNBC … only one show in the top 13 each and both aren’t great.

Business is bad in la-la leftist land. There’s cause enough for one to wonder whether you’re interested in profit margin or what? That Soros money won’t last after CWII is initiated.

Not to toot our own horn but we have some editors who do better than everyone listed after Shannon Bream.



That. Is. NUTS.


And so awesome!

Both Fox News, but we digress.

Yeah … CNN is gonna CNN.

You’d think Fox would take a lesson from the above ratings info and cease their drift leftward. Those still viewing Fox must certainly hope so.

And you’d think eventually—SOON—George Soros et al would cease their funding of the progressive mass propaganda media and hence CNN et al would be forced to turn to reporting the truth for the sake of financial survival.

Meanwhile, God speed with Our fight for Conservatism, people.