A couple of days ago, Joe Biden claimed that a 9mm round can blow a lung clean out of the human body. Looking to one-up the illegitimate president, NPR says that an AR-15 round can decapitate an adult. At this rate by next week, these small caliber rounds will be capable of blowing up an office building.
Here’s some disinformation that Twitter seems unconcerned about:Â
The AR-15 is designed to blow targets apart. Its bullets travel with such velocity that they can decapitate an adult.
Unfortunately, this Uvalde coroner has now seen first-hand what the weapon can do to children.https://t.co/LjxAps68UP
— NPR (@NPR) June 1, 2022
There’s actually a lot of disinformation going on here: the capitation thing and the idea that the Ulvade coroner said this. In truth:
He says he has no intention of ever sharing exactly what he saw.
It was NPR who came up with this lie:
The AR-15, which is the weapon used by the gunman at Robb Elementary, is designed to blow targets apart. It’s a weapon built for war. And when fired into a human adult body, its bullets travel with such fierce velocity that they can decapitate a person, or leave a body looking “like a grenade went off in there,”…
The AR-15, or more accurately the M-16, was designed to be a lightweight carbine using a small cartridge, allowing soldiers to carry more rounds and cutting down on recoil. The .223 or 5.56 round is essentially a .22 caliber bullet with a bigger ass.
If anything, the complaint about the .223 is that it lacks stopping power. If it doesn’t hit anything vital in a human body, it tends pass through cleanly. I know Vietnam vets who said their M-16s were bullshit because they jammed all the time and it took a lot of hits to drop the VC. I’ve heard similar things from Desert Storm and Iraq War vets.
If a .223 hits bone, it can tumble or fragment, causing more damage but the same is true with any round. That’s how projectiles work.
Taking off a human head isn’t as easy as it sounds and would be virtually impossible with an AR-15. You could fire shots into a human neck all day and that head still wouldn’t come off.
Now, if you had a sawed-off double barrel 12-gauge with 00 buck at close range, you could probably decapitate a person. Then again, you’d probably just explode the head, which wouldn’t technically be a decapitation. Still, the body would have no head.
A .223 cannot decapitate an adult but don’t just take my word for it, apply some commonsense: Most people hunt bigger game with .30 caliber rounds (30-30, .308, 30-06, etc…) which are much bigger and more powerful. If a .223 can decapitate a person, wouldn’t that mean a 30-06 would vaporize a deer? And if so, why would any hunter use that deer-exploding round?
This is all part of a liberal disinformation campaign to make the AR-15 seem as evil as possible so they can ban it: The AR-15 was forged in the fires of Hell and used by the Nazis to unleash the Holocaust. Gazing upon this infernal weapon of mass destruction will give you COVID and the sound of its roar can crack the Earth. A single shot will kill an entire generation and retroactively murder all of your ancestors.
The thing is, liberals wouldn’t even bat an eye at a Ruger Mini-14, which uses the same .223 round because it has lovely wooden stock and kind of looks like a Crossman BB gun.