AOC Rages On Democrats Who Refuse To Use The Term ‘Latinx’

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez must have figured out that Republicans don’t give a crap what she has to say as she’s now attacking her own party to get attention. Because this is AOC, the reason for the attack is almost too stupid to believe. The dimwit NY Rep. is raging on democrats for refusing to use the term “Latinx.” Way to pick your battles, dopey.

Like AOC herself, “Latinx” is really stupid. Almost nobody knows how to pronounce it. Is it “La-tinks” or “Lantin-ex” or something else? Also, the reason for this term is to take the gendered Spanish language and make it transgendered, which is idiotic.

Speaking of idiots, here’s AOC:

“In the spirit of pride I wanted to have a note on gender inclusivity Spanish language people sometimes like to make a lot of drama over the term ‘Latinx,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “Gender is fluid, language is fluid…Don’t have to make drama over it.”

And yet here she is making drama over it. And here she is giving her party shit over it:

“I also have a mini-rant about this because there are some politicians, including democratic politicians, that rail against the term ‘Latinx.’ And they’re like, ‘this is so bad, this is so bad for the party,’ like blah blah blah. And it’s almost like it hasn’t struck some of these folks that another person’s identity is not about your reelection prospects. Like, this is not about you,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

Yeah, it’s about AOC who is the neediest person to ever exist.

“If putting a little ‘X’ on your campaign literature is what you think is the difference between winning or losing an election, you need to talk about health care more. You need to raise people’s wages. You need to talk about more issues that also matter to people,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

She talking about how non-inclusive it is for democrats to refuse to use the term “Latinx.” I can’t actually think of something that matters less or that people care less about. In fact, a poll found that only 2% of Hispanics refer to themselves as “Latinx.” 40% of Hispanics are actually offended when someone calls them “Latinx” and 30% of them wouldn’t vote for a politician who uses the term.

Rep. Ruben Gallego, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus gets it:

This is AOC telling democrats that they are racist for not using a term that Hispanics hate and consider offensive. And she’s doing it under the premise that democrats are making drama and ignoring the real issues that people care about. I’m sure she’ll do a follow up where she accuses democrats of wanting her sexually because they won’t say “Latinx.”

But hey, if AOC is going to be butthurt over this insignificant problem I’m sure everyone on the planet would be willing to refer to her as a “Lunatix” a “Socialix” and a “Dumbaxx.”