MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart Is Threatening to Leave America To Escape ‘Crazy White People’

If I had a dollar for every liberal who threaten to leave America I could buy a new car. If I had a dollar for every time a liberal media pundit said something racist, I could retire. MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart figuratively just sent me a check for 2 bucks because he’s threatening to leave America to escape us “crazy white people.”

Check out this Op/ed Capehart wrote in The Washington Post:

Why Black people are afraid of ‘crazy’ White people

Before we move on, I’d like to point out that an article titled “Why White People Are Afraid Of Crazy Black People” would not be acceptable anywhere, but the WaPo is cool with promoting the idea that whites are all insane.

Now onto the reason why Capehart thinks white people are so nuts that he might have to leave the U.S.:

Let me try to explain. Things felt so dicey during the Trump years, I half-joked that my husband and I might have to reenact that scene from “The Sound of Music” and flee the country. Now, an alarming new report from the Southern Poverty Law Center shows that my “Operation von Trapp” might need to go live. The ranks of “crazy” White people appear to be growing — and the rest of us don’t know what to do about it.

Right now, I am defining “crazy” as anyone who believes any aspect of the racist “great replacement” conspiracy. This is the noxious idea that liberals are deliberately replacing White people with non-Whites and immigrants.

According to the SPLC poll, “Nearly 7 in 10 Republicans surveyed agree to at least some extent that demographic changes in the United States are deliberately driven by liberal and progressive politicians attempting to gain political power by ‘replacing more conservative white voters.’”

Democrats have openly admitted that this is their plan, so I suppose Capehart thinks the democratic party is also a bunch of crazy white people. Basically, he’s afraid of all white people in this country.

And the problem is, according to Capehart, black people can’t even arm themselves to protect against the crazy whites:

When it comes to Black folks acquiring weapons, Redding is in the minority. According to that Post-Ipsos poll, 51 percent of African Americans said they have not considered buying a gun since the Buffalo massacre. Why is no mystery. The right to self-protection, let alone the right to bear arms, doesn’t exactly apply to Black people.

Think about it. Imagine I get a gun for self-protection (not that I ever would, but stay with me). A situation arises in which I use it to protect myself. But then the cops arrive, see a gun, “fear for their lives,” and, well, the rest writes itself.

Capehart should look up the statistics on black homicides and see who it is who kills black folks. I’ll give him a clue: it ain’t white people or the cops.

Not only is Capehart threatening to leave the U.S. he says all people of color should consider it because of, “a potential loss of freedom, liberty and life.” He adds, “‘Crazy’ White people are not to be trifled with.”

I have no problem with him or any other whiny liberal bitch of any color leaving this country but where’s he going to go? As an urban coastal elite he’s going to need a place like NYC because he’s ill-equipped to live any other way. The problem is, he wants to go some place where there are no white people and that pretty much leaves Africa. He wouldn’t last 2 second anywhere on the continent.

And now get ready for the greatest part about all of this: Capehart is gay and his husband is white. He certainly doesn’t let his fear of whitey get in the way of butt sex.
