California Animal Shelter Won’t Let You Adopt Unless You Support Gun Control

Once again liberal “solutions” fall flat. An animal shelter owner in Southern California wants to do something about gun violence so she’s refusing to let people adopt pets unless they support gun control. While this won’t save any humans, it will most certainly end up costing many doggie and kitty lives.

This is from the Shelter Hope Pet Store in Thousand Oaks, California website:

Shelter Hope Pet Shop has added a question to our adoption interview:

Where do you stand on gun control?

We believe that if we can make our voices heard on how we feel we can make an impact. We do not support those who believe that the 2nd amendment gives them the right to buy assault weapons. If your beliefs are not in line with ours, we will not adopt a pet to you.

Somehow it gets funnier:

If you lie about being a NRA supporter, make no mistake, we will sue you for fraud. If you believe that it is our responsibility to protect ourselves in public places and arm ourselves with a gun–do not come to us to adopt a dog.

Not only don’t they respect the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, they clearly don’t care much for the Constitutional equal protection clause. Maybe they just don’t know about it but they’ll learn when they try to sue somebody for being an NRA member. Or, more likely, when they get sued for discriminating against gun owners.

Shelter Hope Pet Shop owner Kim Sill told NBC that many of her donors are Republicans who have threatened to cut off funding if she persists with this madness.

“I say, fine, keep your money. If I go out of business, as a result, I go out of business. But I have to do something. And this is the only thing I can do to make the point that mass killings by people armed with guns have to stop,” said Sill.

Doing something implies that you’ve made a difference or affected change, even if every so slightly. What she’s doing is nothing. It’s not going to stop mass shootings. What it will do, if she ends up going out of business, is sign the death warrants for all of the animals she has at the shelter. Even restricting pet adoptions to only gun-hating Froot Loops could mean some of those little critters are not going to find a home.

This crazy bitch’s mission should be to find good homes for animals so they don’t have to be put down, but instead she’s willing to sacrifice their lives so she can virtue signal.

Also, what she’s trying to say is that gun owners aren’t good pet owners, which is ridiculous. I bet almost everyone on Def-Con News has a dog and a gun. Or more realistically, a couple of dogs and an arsenal.

I own guns and have a cat and a dog, both who were rescues. I’ve given them both a loving home despite my belief that the 2nd Amendment protects our right to keep and bear arms.

Maybe this shelter owner should add a question about bestiality or eating cats and dogs. No dog-f*ckers or Korean restaurant owners, but liberty-minded people should be fine.