Joe Biden Slams Trump And GOP In Embarrassing Jimmy Kimmel Interview

It’s been forever since Joe Biden sat down for an interview and even longer since he sat down for a serious one. To break his streak of inaccessibility, Biden went on Jimmy Kimmel Live for a hard-hitting Q&A. Just kidding, it was a sickening infomercial-style piece of propaganda with scripted questions and embarrassing answers.

Biden set the tone for the interview by acknowledging his wife who was in the audience:

“By the way, I’m Joe Biden’s husband. She’s right there,” said Biden pointing.

I sincerely hope the liberal media fact-checks Biden’s claim that he’s his own husband but I’m not going to hold my breath. Biden appears to be taking that “F*ck Joe Biden” thing literally.

Then, there was this scripted exchange that Biden couldn’t quite pull off:

“I thought maybe you wan me ta just stay on Fox hole the time,” said Biden.

“You know, they’re very concerned I might not ask you serious questions,” said Kimmel.

“Oh, I really ask serious questions. Pound. Found,” replied Biden.

Huh? Later, Kimmel said, Maybe there’s a Death Star pumping false information” and Biden jumped in with, “Fox.”

From there, Joe got caught in a dementia loop where he kept saying the same thing over and over:

“All of you folks and I hope er and I’m not being facetious.”

“And I’m not being facetious.”

‘No, I’m not being facetious, now. I’m being deadly earnest.”

Biden then went after Republicans:

“Look, this is not your father’s Republican Party. It’s a MAGA party, a very different Republican Party,” said Biden.

Biden forgot to say “Ultra-MAGA,” which he’s crack team spent 6 months coming up with.

“I often get asked, ‘the Republicans don’t play it square, why do you play it square?’ Well guess what? If we do the same thing they do, our democracy will literal be in jeopardy,” Biden said.

Kimmel wanted to know how Biden can get anything done when Republicans won’t play by the rules.

“Well, you gotta put ’em in jail,” said Biden.

Kimmel said Trump issued executive orders, “like he was passing out Halloween candy” and asked Biden why he doesn’t just use EOs to enact gun control. Biden said he did, but…

“I don’t want to emulate Trump’s abuse of the Constitution and the Constitutional thor-ee,” said Biden.

Throughout the entire infomercial, Kimmel made a dozen Trump “jokes” because in lieu of comedic talent, that’s what he does.

500 Def-Con News points to anyone who can tell me what the f*ck this means:

“On climate change we’ve actually made some real moves. I mean, we have you know one in seven of all the changes have taken place in terms of solar, wind, and wind pumps, I mean pumps and like have occurred in the last 18 months,” said Biden.

After talking about what an awesome job he’s done as president, Biden complained that the people don’t seem to understand or appreciate his awesomeness.

“We haven’t been able to communicate it in a way that uh um mag may sayd another way,” Biden said.

Yes, communication is definitely a problem for Joe.

You know this farce was entirely scripted because Kimmel would ask a question and Biden would spew one of his talking points that was completely unrelated. You know this was entirely Joe Biden because he f*cked it up from start to finish.