Rep Matt Gaetz Skewers SecDef Over Democratic-Socialism Training, Also Woke U.S. Navy Training Video Teaches Use Of “Proper Pronouns” [VIDEOs]

Under the Diminishment-of-America ideology, the once-greatest fighting force in the world—the United States military machine—is being transitioned into a sad, frightening shadow of its former self.

In a new instructional video that looks more like teaching designed for 3rd graders than for the former most advanced military in the world, sailors are instructed to create an inclusive, safe space by using the correct pronouns.

Further, the Secretary of Defense was recently caught unaware and unable to explain why The Case for Democratic-Socialism is being taught at the National Defense University as a strategy for combatting China.

This from

Only under America’s democrat-communist leadership is speaking correctly—selecting the proper pronoun—essential to a well-functioning, prepared military, able to fulfill their mission.

In Elementary school, teachers often instruct students to remember something by repeating facts. Students are also taught to list nice things about one another.

The Navy apparently wants to reinforce these ideas. The video instructs service members to go “through a progression of three good things about the person using their pronouns.”

“Let’s say the person chooses to use ‘they,’” Vasquez says. “Then you will in your mind go, ‘They have a nice shirt. They have a nice smile. They are really smart.’ So that kinda sticks in your brain.”

Watch (juvenile, naive, sad, and infuriating that our tax dollars are being wasted in this way):

Following is the Navy’s Mission:


To recruit, train, equip, and organize to deliver combat ready Naval forces to win conflicts and wars while maintaining security and deterrence through sustained forward presence.


In this mission statement there is no mention of preferred pronouns, no mention of making the environment more comfortable by carefully selecting pronouns, and nothing mentioned about being polite and respectful to one another.

The video dances around the chaos created by the hyper attention given to how someone chooses to identify by sharing tips on how to interact with and tip-toe around other service members to avoid being offensive.

This is not the first time the military under The Regime’s leadership has chosen political ideology training over maintaining training of our military to be combat-ready.

Also, Matt Gaetz recently questioned Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on the Biden defense budget proposal, which plans to spend millions of taxpayer dollars on woke indoctrination rather than national defense.


Click HERE–Rep Gaetz effectively confronts a woke SecDef.


Americans are increasingly concerned about their safety, not our military members’ use of pronouns.

Taxpayer dollars should be used to ensure that the U.S. military is battle-ready. Biden’s weak leadership and insistence on initiating a culture war do nothing to allay those fears.

Rep. Lauren Boebert sums up the entire woke ideology well with this one tweet:

Go woke; Go broke. But in this case the U.S. military has gone woke and the Treasury Department’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing is kept busy printing the money necessary to pay for this nonsense. But this is merely what is called ‘Inflation’, yes?

The quicker Conservative leadership is reinstated and ceases these destructive measures, the quicker America can resume its place as the leader of the Free World.

Final thought, lamentations of sort: As a U.S. veteran from a multi-generational family of veterans with a nephew now in the U.S. Army, I am disappointed, concerned, saddened, frightened, and damn pissed about what is happening and about that which I am powerless to correct.

God speed to Conservatism.

And may God and our hard work save America from this ongoing communist transformation.