Biden Blames Trump For SCOTUS Overturning Roe V. Wade

Earlier this year Joe Biden angrily named Donald Trump “The Great MAGA King” and now has angrily blamed the former president of being responsible for the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. These are not the insults Biden thinks they are. Joe is giving Trump credit for doing what conservatives have been trying to do for 5 decades. This is basically inducting Trump into the Hall of Fame.

Today the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that had legalized abortion. Now, the SCOTUS has left it up to the individual states to decide if they will allow abortion. Some will, some won’t.

Joe Biden, who once tried to pass a Constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade and leave abortion up to the individual states, is now furious and gave an unhinged statement:

“I believe Roe v. Wade was the right decision as a matter of Constitutional law,” started Biden.

According to The NY Times, Biden proposed a Constitutional Amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade in 1982. In 1994, Biden bragged that he voted against abortion funding 50 times, including 2 votes against partial birth abortions. Let’s assume that his newfound love for Roe v. Wade and abortion is because that’s what his handlers tell him he believes.

“It was three Justices named by one president, Donald Trump, who are at the core of today’s decision to upend the scales of justice and eliminate a fundamental right for women in this country,” said Biden.

He just can’t stop flattering Donald Trump, can he? Given the level of butthurt by the democrats, this is essentially giving Trump credit for crushing the soul of liberalism, something I’m sure he enjoys more than anything else in his accomplished life.

“The court has done what it has never done before: expressly take away a Constitutional right that is so fundamental to so many Americans,” Biden said.

What part of the Constitution says people have a right to kill an unborn baby? The Supreme Court did not take away a Constitutional right, they ruled that forcing abortion on all of the states was unconstitutional, which it is.

Biden got so worked up over this that he said, “With a child of conse-crence.” He then threw up his hands adding, “It jess, It, it, it, just stuns me.” Immediately after, he used the nonsense word “conse-crence” again.

Biden also repeated that he doesn’t understand how the Constitution or our system of government works:

“The only way we can secure a woman’s right to choose, in the balance izzy zickus, is for Congress to restore the protections of Roe v. Way as federal law,” said Biden.

I don’t know what “izzy zickus” means and I’ve never heard of “Roe v. Way” but Biden is still wrong. Roe v. Wade has to be made into a Constitutional Amendment to restore it because the Supreme Court has struck it down as unconstitutional. If Congress passed a law that codified Roe v. Wade it would be immediately be ruled unconstitutional since there is already an existing opinion on the matter. Only a Constitutional amendment would make it Constitutional.

Then there was this:

“They say by limony axes ease medicines, materna mortality will rise in America,” Biden said.

It’s hard to argue with that, mostly because nobody but Joe knows what the f*ck it means.

Biden rambled on but despite his angry tone, this was basically a concession speech that Donald Trump had kicked their asses. Even after the democrats stole the White House from him, The Great MAGA king is still winning.