The J6 Committee Failed, So Here’s ‘Plan B’ to Whip Up the Base Over the SCOTUS Roe v Wade Decision

Democrats were unsuccessful with their effort to whip up Americans with the Jan. 6 hearings.

This from

So, now it looks like they’re going to Plan B — pro-abortion hearings in the wake of the SCOTUS decision in Dobbssending the decision on abortion back to the states.

Durbin announced:

Today’s decision eliminates a federally protected constitutional right that has been the law for nearly half a century. As a result, millions of Americans are waking up in a country where they have fewer rights than their parents and grandparents.

The bottom line: on critical, personal choices involving a woman’s right to make reproductive decisions about her own body, do you trust her or the government? The Supreme Court now says a woman’s right to privacy does not extend to the most personal, private choice she will ever face.

The Senate Judiciary Committee will explore the grim reality of a post-Roe America in a hearing next month. The Court’s decision to erase the right to access an abortion will not only lead to the denial of critical healthcare services, but also criminal consequences for women and health care providers in states eager to embrace draconian restrictions.

I will keep fighting to enshrine into law a woman’s right to make her own reproductive choices. We cannot let our children inherit a nation that is less free and more dangerous than the one their parents grew up in.

Bottom Line: it’s unclear whether this new tactic of the democrat-communists will do much more, now that the demise of Roe has become a reality.

And the Left doesn’t have much left to pull out of their dirty hat for the midterms in their attempt to keep from being swept away by the Red Wave.

There’s also a more disturbing undercurrent that we’ve spoken about before, that some lawmakers are positing and may come up in the hearings—[d]emocrats falsely accusing the conservative justices of not telling the truth to them during their confirmation hearings.

Here’s the powerful House Budget Committee chair, Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) spreading lies and ‘insurrection’ against the justices.

Yes, the justices said that they would respect precedent. Of course, they’re going to do that; that’s what you do as a justice. Unless and until you may find something was decided wrongly, based on your review of the case and the law, as it applies.

If that weren’t true, we never would have had other “precedents” overturned in the past. You wouldn’t have things like Brown vs. the Board of Education finding racial segregation unconstitutional. It doesn’t happen very often, but it does happen.

But count on that being brought up in such a ‘hearing’ as well.

Final thought: Despite the unconstitutionality of the 1973 Roe decision, democrats will long refuse to accept its undoing. Similar to their refusal to accept the results of the War Between the States, one hundred years from now democrats will still be fighting for Roe.

This will have become the new cross that Conservatives must bear.