Feds in Disguise and They’re Back in Force

The left’s favorite mask-wearing buzz-cut “Patriot Front” marched yesterday in Boston and skepticism remains high on the right about who these mysterious guys in matching attire really are.

The group has shown up at random times in random places, never making much impact but always garnering an enormous amount of mass propaganda media attention and left-wing tweeting.

Yesterday in Boston they had with them some snappy drum music to aid their march.

This from therightscoop.com.

Who are they? Three guesses and anything without the word ‘Federal’ is wrong.

Is this not interesting? Or perhaps unnerving?

Anyone, what was the point of all this bluff and bluster?

Hey, you never know, this could be a real [theatrical] group, or it could be Feds I guess, or it could be Lincoln Project.

For sure the left-wing blue check media circle of jerks are stroking their pointy beards over them on Twitter quite vigorously.

Final thoughts and questions: Sadly, this gang of thugs really is a fascist-party group masquerading as the FBI. But why so many of them? Is this a fear tactic?

The lesson to be learned here? The feds are among us. Do they want us to believe they have infiltrated every political group, every element in America?

Beware Def-Con News readers of the jerks in khaki. They are definitely taking themselves seriously.