WATCH: A Prominent Democrat Just WRECKED His Own Party Then Announces He’s Switching To The Republican Party

Things are going badly for the democrat party. Look at Nutty Nancy below nervously, absentmindedly sucking her dentures. Both Pelosi and Schumer are deep in worry. Enjoyable to see, yes?

This from

And, of course, the democrat-communist imminent demise is all the fault of the top party leaders—and they don’t seem to have enough sense to right the ship, at least temporarily.

Remember Slick Willie Clinton’s approaching doomed reelection campaign in 1996? His team was wise enough to back away from many of his disliked initiatives such as national healthcare short-term to achieve their long-term goal—re-election and another four years to work his “magic.”

Presently, the democrat-communists are dead set on pushing through their extremist Green New Deal which is why everything related to the economy is sinking.

As a result of their reckless moves which are destroying the economy and hitting everyday Americans hard in their pocketbooks, [d]emocrats are slated to lose at least the House of Representatives to Republicans in November.

Democrat leaders are hopeful that the overturning of Roe v. Wade will steer more people to their side in the midterms, but it’s not looking that way as the prices of everything continue to skyrocket, and people need to eat to live and drive to get to work. We the People remember these things at election time.

Indeed, the state of Florida officially became a Republican state just a few weeks ago as more people registered GOP than [d]emocrat.

There are now 134,412 more Republicans registered in the state than there are democrats.

Democratic strategist Steve Schale predicts that [d]emocrats could face a lot of difficulties going forward.

Schale predicted on his blog page:

Without a full-frontal, professional and accountable partisan effort to turn it around, sometime before the end of this year, there will be more Republicans registered in Florida than Democrats.

He explained:

That has NEVER happened before. And, given their voters have higher turnout scores—this isn’t a great place to start.

In a sign of what’s coming, across the country, in Las Vegas, Nevada, a prominent democrat leader has now left the party and registered as a Republican.

The democrat mayor of North Las Vegas, John Lee, recently announced he’s running as a Republican for re-election.

As a consequence of the democrats’ embrace of socialism and their “anti-American” agenda, Lee became a Republican.

Lee told Fox News’ Steve Doocy in a recent interview:

The party moved past me. In fact, Democrats are now leaving that party in droves because of the socialist agenda that has taken place in the Democratic Party. They’re totally anti-American.

There was nowhere for people who thought and felt like I did about the virtues and values and morals of being a good American. It was time to leave. They have destroyed the Democratic Party now.

In his view, the democrat agenda is “elitist” and “socialist” and he can’t stand behind the extremist agenda of the party.

He declared:

They had an election recently for leadership, and four of the five people were card-carrying members of the Socialist Party. It’s not the party that I grew up with 25 years ago in this environment, and it’s not the party I can stand with anymore.

He went on:

The working class, or working men and women of this country, and also the small business owners are not a part of the conversation anymore. It all has to do with the elitists and it has to do with the socialists. That is not the agenda that I have in mind for this country of the future.

When you’re a pro-life Democrat, a pro-gun Democrat, and you’re a very conservative person, that’s not really well known in the Democratic Party anymore.

He proclaimed:

And so for me to hang on as long as I did, hoping the party would change, it didn’t, it got worse.


The Conservative Brief reported on the switch Americans are making when it comes to politics:

Democrats continue to move so far to the Left that a new report reveals that many are switching parties and joining the GOP.

Over the past year, a new report found that more than 1.7 million voters have left the Democratic Party to join the GOP.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is also facing serious political headwinds heading into November’s midterm elections. A whopping 32 Democrats have announced they will not seek re-election. The Senate will also be in place in the fall.

The switch in party affiliations came over the course of the past 12 months, as policies enacted by President Joe Biden and spending bills passed by the Democrat-controlled Congress have been roundly blamed for rampant inflation that has seen record-high average gas and diesel fuel prices, rising food and rent costs, and an enduring supply chain crisis as well as a chaotic, porous southwestern border.

Indeed, the latest Rasmussen Generic Congressional Ballot poll shows Americans will vote Republican over democrat in the midterms. While the GOP lead slipped a bit because of the Roe decision, people are still indicating they will vote for conservatives.

Rasmussen’s poll was taken after Roe was overturned and ended on June 30th.

According to the outlet:

The 2022 midterm elections are now 130 days away, and Republicans have a five-point lead in their bid to recapture control of Congress.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 42% would vote for the Democrat. Just four percent (4%) would vote for some other candidate, but another eight percent (8%) are not sure.

The Republican lead has decreased by three points since last week, when they led 48%-40%. The GOP has led the Generic Congressional Ballot all year.

The survey of 2,500 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on June 26-30, 2022 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/-2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

The Republican lead on the congressional ballot is mainly due to a 15-point advantage among independents. Eighty-nine percent (89%) of Republican voters say they would vote for their own party’s congressional candidate, and 85% of Democrats would vote for the Democratic candidate. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, however, 44% would vote Republican and 29% would vote Democrat, while 10% would vote for some other candidate and 17% are undecided.

Fifty-two percent (52%) of whites, 23% of Black voters and 42% of other minorities would vote Republican if the election were held today. Sixty-four percent (64%) of Black voters, 38% of whites and 41% of other minorities would vote Democrat.

As long as democrats continue their march towards socialism, they will bleed voters. There are fewer and fewer moderates in the party now, and as Mayor Lee has shown us, even those in elected positions are leaving for the GOP because of democrat extremism.

The Red Wave of November 2022 is the Republican’s to lose.

Will the democrats successfully steal another set of elections?

Will the Republicans snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?

Whichever the case may be, Republicans must not take anything for granted. The GOP must think of the democrats as cornered feral animals. For survival, anything will be done.