“America Will Not Allow This to Go on for Much Longer” – President Trump Responds to Biden’s Record 9.1% Inflation

President Trump responded as we expected he would to Biden’s record-setting inflation yesterday in a simple statement.

Many of us, however, are left wondering, ‘What next?’

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

(Above Joe-Joe Biden turns to shake hands after a speech and no one is there.)

What next?

BIDEN ECONOMY: Inflation Explodes to 9.1% – The Largest 12-Month Increase Since the Period Ending November 1981


In response, President Trump released the following statement:

Inflation just hit ANOTHER 40-year high of 9.1%, which is terrible for our Country.

Fuel prices up 60%, Airfare up 34%, Eggs up 33%—how can people survive this?

How can businesses survive this?

Our Country is so weak right now because the Radical Left Democrats have no clue what they are doing. [Correction: The democrat-communists know exactly what they are doing. This is the Obiden plan in painful detail—to destroy America.]

All they want to do is “get Trump,” and they are willing to destroy our Nation to do it.

America will not allow this to go on for much longer.

Don’t vote for the Radical Left Democrats, vote for America First Republicans—Save America!

Final thought: President Trump said: “America will not allow this to go on for much longer.”

We the People are saying the exact same thing, but what are we to do? Many of us hold faith something positive will occur. We ask only, ‘What next?’

God speed to the powers of right and true.