Elizabeth Warren Thinks Game Of Thrones Will Boost Her Sagging Campaign

Elizabeth Warren’s campaign for 2020 is not going well. Her fundraising is far behind her doofus democrat competitors and she’s near the bottom in the polls. Desperate times call for desperate measures so she’s pulling a “how do you do, fellow kids” kind of thing by offering her opinion on Game of Thrones. Pretending to be an Indian princess got her far in academia, so maybe pretending to be relevant will get her poll numbers up. Then again, maybe not.

Game of Thrones is an enormous cultural phenomenon, so Elizabeth Warren thought she’d try to hitch her teepee to the hugely popular show. Unfortunately, she did it in a very Elizabeth Warren kind of way:

Really? She watches the show for the women? I actually couldn’t have come up with a funnier way to make her look lamer than this. I used to watch Baywatch for the women, but like everyone else I watch GoT for the intrigue, the death, and them badass dragons. Leave it to Fauxcahontas to try to make this a feminist call for empowerment.

She also wrote a review of the season premier which was equally as dumb. After saying she watches the show for the women, she then goes on to badmouth one of the major female characters. And of course she does it in a very Elizabeth Warren kind of way:

The World Needs Fewer Cersei Lannisters

It’s about the women.

In the season-eight premiere, our Khaleesi finally arrives at Winterfell with Jon Snow and her army of the Unsullied to “save the North,” not conquer it. She states her mission clearly in season seven: “I’m not here to murder. All I want to destroy is the wheel that has rolled over everyone both rich and poor, to the benefit of no one but the Cersei Lannisters of the world.” And as much as Dany wants to take on her family’s enemies and take back the Iron Throne, she knows that she must first fight the army of the dead that threatens all mankind. This is a revolutionary idea, in Westeros or anywhere else. A queen who declares that she doesn’t serve the interests of the rich and powerful? A ruler who doesn’t want to control the political system but to break the system as it is known? It’s no wonder that the people she meets in Westeros are skeptical. Skeptical, because they’ve seen another kind of woman on the Iron Throne: the villain we love to hate, Queen Cersei of Casterly Rock.

No, the world needs fewer Elizabeth Warrens. Frankly one is too many.

In reviewing a fictional show set in a fantasy world, Warren somehow manages to work in her “rich people and the big banks are evil” nonsense. It doesn’t matter if you watch the show or not, the big takeaway here is that Warren envisions herself as the “queen” who serves the people, not the rich and powerful. Who wants to tell her it’ll never happen?

Daenerys Targaryen, the character Warren identifies with and wants to be, has 2 fire breathing dragons, a massive army, and a legitimate claim to the throne. Elizabeth Warren trails her competitors by tens of millions in fundraising, only has 9% support, and is a hypocrite rich person saying she will eat the rich. Also the only thing she has a legitimate claim on is being way more full of shit than the other democrats in the field and that’s saying a lot.

Elizabeth Warren reviewing Game of Thrones is not going to boost her doomed campaign. If people don’t care about her positions and platforms, why would they care what she thinks about a TV show? Maybe if she chimed in on Pocahontas, The Last of the Mohicans, or Indian Summer, the public may be interested just for the comedy value, but it still wouldn’t get her out of the 2020 basement.