“Joe Biden and the Democrat Party Are, in Fact, Responsible for Sabotaging Our Economy” – Mark Levin on FOX News

The Obiden Regime has created the worst economy in decades.

This from thegatewaypundit.com.

According to Mark Levin at FOX News:

Biden’s actions to destroy the economy are from the Marxist playbook.

The Obiden economy is a total disaster.

Last week inflation was reported at the highest level in more than 40 years and many believe it is actually higher.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Inflation Explodes to 9.1% – The Largest 12-Month Increase Since the Period Ending November 1981

The U.S. GDP is now down 7 months in a row since the last high in October, 2021.

American Households Face $5,200 Biden Inflation Tax This Year – San Fran Fed Blames Historic Inflation Rate on Government Spending

In response to the horrible economy, Obiden won’t drill for more gas and reduce costs for Americans.

[Obiden] doesn’t want America to be energy independent.

Obiden is ok with buying oil from overseas when the U.S. has the largest reserves in the world.

Instead, [Obiden] wants to hurt the average American more by increasing interest rates.

Biden’s FED Pick Can’t Answer Whether She’s a Capitalist or a Socialist

Mark Levin knows exactly what Obiden is doing. Obiden undoubtedly is following the Marxist handbook on how to destroy capitalism.

FOX News reported on Levin’s comments last night on his show on the FOX News channel.

“Life, Liberty & Levin” host Mark Levin said on his show Sunday, urging viewers to see past the White House’s penchant for finger-pointing and assign blame where it is warranted:

[Biden’s handlers are] responsible for “sabotaging” the U.S. economy and energy industry.

The host said in his opening monologue Sunday night:

It has nothing to do with foreign forces and foreign powers or boogeymen. It has something to do with actual policies that have been in the process now for decades.

Levin said the policies democrats “put under the nomenclature of climate change or the Green New Deal” were originally introduced in the 1970s at a conference in Europe where academics, professors, Marxist activists and left-wing politicians came up with climate control as a system through which they would push their economic agenda.

Levin said:

The lifestyle for most people went up. We created this vast middle class, which is the heart and soul of America and the American system.

It’s the opposite of what Marx intended. And the leftists have been fighting this ever since for the last 100 years, and now it’s come to a head.

According to Levine the Obiden Regime boasts the “most radical appointees” ever appointed as department heads in the history of the country.

Watch Mark Levine’s monologue below:

Levine outlines what many of us have long suspected although we may not have put our thoughts as fully into words.

So, the problem has been identified in great detail. Any further discussion must be categorized as bloviation. Likewise, any additional delay and handwringing must be categorized as giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

What next? May We the People presume plans for a correction, as well as back up plans, have been devised in great detail and are being further massaged?

Let’s keep in mind the expert estimation is that only approximately 20 percent of any operation is known by the public, which means approximately 80 percent of the Take Back of Our Constitutional Republic Operational Plan (TBack OpPlan) that is being worked is publicly unknown.

Final thought, questions: Do we have the patience to wait any longer? How much longer? And what choice do we have? Will the November elections be allowed to proceed? If so, will they be legitimate? Will a False Flag cancelling the elections initiate the start of the TBack OpPlan?

May God and the hard work and ingenuity of We the People save America from the Obiden transformation.