Churchgoers are leaving one denomination in droves for this stunning reason

The Left are openly hostile toward religion. This is not a secret. Christianity has been under constant assault by progressives for decades.

This from

Now, churchgoers are leaving one denomination in droves for a stunning reason. And all of you know what I am about to say.

The scourge of “wokeness” has touched all corners of American culture, including the Christian church.

Denominations and individual churches have embraced leftist ideas that are in direct contravention of biblical teaching. Their rationale? Perhaps this is cynically stated, however, the church is not striving to serve God or the people—church leaders have succumbed to the almighty dollar. They are chasing pop culture for the tithings they hope to receive rather than abiding by their faith.

Specifically, this tension has caused a rift in the United Methodist Church (UMC).

To note: Over 100 churches have filed a lawsuit to resolve property disputes as part of their break from the church.

The Daily Wire reported:

[M]ore than 100 Florida churches have joined a lawsuit against a regional body of the United Methodist Church (UMC), seeking fair terms for leaving the denomination over LGBTQ issues.

The group of congregations filed the suit on July 14 against the UMC’s Florida Annual Conference in the Circuit Court for the Eighth Judicial Circuit for Bradford County, Civil Division…

The issue hit a high point when Kenneth Carter, Resident Bishop of the Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church, refused to enforce actions against an openly lesbian bishop in St. Petersburg…

Churches were once viewed as holders of traditional values, but the Left in their effort to divide and concur has left no stone unturned. And with their extremist push, the Left has alienated a large number of Christian worshippers.

Some churches have become overtly political with their embrace of the neo-Marxist Black Lives Matter movement and radical transgenderism.

Many Catholics and Christians have begun sharply calling out the politicization.

Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) Florida President Jay Therrell said in a statement:

We are not leaving The United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Church has left us…

After a decades-long rise of theological liberalism, the selective enforcement of our denominational laws, and a strong surge in the promotion of partisan politics, our churches long for the day of being able to unite with like-minded Christians who focus on sharing the Good News of Jesus and help people to be transformed by His salvation.

Many are rejecting the encroachment of the expansionist left-wing dogma.

Leftism is incompatible with other faiths because it is a secular religion.

The Daily Wire added:

The churches in dispute are part of a movement of more conservative congregations within the UMC that oppose the denomination’s efforts to condone same-sex marriage ceremonies and ordain LGBTQ clergy members.

The denomination’s Book of Discipline holds that same-sex activity is ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’ and bans participation in same-sex wedding ceremonies…

In May, 107 Florida congregations announced plans to join the newly formed Global Methodist Church (GMC) as a theologically conservative alternative to the traditional United Methodist Church.

For decades, leftists have been on the move while nobody was paying attention.

But the problem has finally reached a crisis point and people are doing what they can to stop churches from being completely overrun with secularism—the push to minimize or flat-out remove the role of religion in daily living.

Churches that bowed to the progressive woke movement, like one particular political party, have begun to realize a large percentage of their parishioners have been offended and changed churches or have become estranged from attending altogether.

The United Methodist Church has been called out for going too far. They may choose to seek repair of their behavior, but much of their membership is saying, ‘It is too late now.’

Final thought, wishful thinking of sorts and a switch from religion to politics: I choose to believe a large percentage of long-time loyal democrat voters are experiencing a similar loss of faith in the direction of the democrat party.

I believe many have uprooted their loyalties and changed their affiliation to the Republican Party, many others will simply hold their noses and vote Republican in November, and many more will simply stay away from the election. The result will be the beginning of a tremendous political change in this country.

Keep in mind, a pendulum swings two directions. We are all witnessing the Obiden transformation as being huge and it has. However, I believe the coming correction will undo everything with the stink of Obama on it and will ring in lasting positivity.

The democrat party may not survive, but certainly the democrat-communist party of America will be forced back into the McCarthy-era shadows.