Democrat Chuy Garcia Calls Gun Rights Supporter A ‘Retarded Dipsh*t’

The democrats tried and true debate technique is not to argue with facts but rather to insult and threaten their opponents. Democrat Rep. Chuy Garcia used his skills against a gun rights supporter by calling him a “borderline retarded” “f*cking dish*t.” According to rules made up by democrats, Garcia won this debate with his wits and class.

Here’s a fun Twitter exchange that had to be screen-captured because Garcia is a chickenshit who can’t even stand behind his own words:

As you can see, Garcia insulted this random person who says he will stand up for his 2nd Amendment rights.

No, seriously, let’s put this into perspective:

A democrat lawmaker brags that he voted for an unconstitutional bill, a citizen says he will not comply with that unconstitutional act, and the democrat replies, “f*ck you, retard.”

Replace gun ownership rights with any other Constitutionally protected right like free speech and imagine a Republican said this. Liberals would freak the f*ck out and cry that democracy was being destroyed. There’s no such outrage for this however because it’s a democrat and gun rights.

As it turns out, Garcia received minimal flak for this and came up with a bullshit excuse:

Last night a member of Congressman Garcia’s staff posted an unauthorized tweet from the Congressman’s account using profanities and offensive language to individuals living with disabilities. The language used was absolutely inappropriate and inconsistent with Congressman Garcia’s history. The individual responsible will be held accountable and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken.

If this is true, and it’s not, publicly name the staff member who did it and state very clearly what discipline this person has received. Otherwise, it never happened. Garcia tweeted this himself and that’s what everyone should believe until the staff member is named and shamed.

I actually think it’s pretty weird that Garcia tweeted this statement from his own account but it is the words of his spokesperson. Why can’t Garcia use his own words? Is it because he is a little too profane to make a statement on his own behalf?

I couldn’t help but to notice that this apology is severely lacking in an apology. At no point does Garcia’s spokesperson say the Congressman is sorry to Anarcho3D for the words that were directed at him. The reason is because Garcia is not sorry and those words represent his true feelings.

In fact, I guarantee that Garcia only deleted the tweet because it contained the word “retarded” because he was worried about offending the mentally handicapped. BTW, you know who is not offended but the word retard? Retards.

Once again, democrats are unable to defend their indefensible positions and lash out with insults and profanity. If anything they stood for was just and right, they wouldn’t need to call people retarded dipsh*ts for opposing them.