Joe Biden Indicates He Is No Longer President

Earlier in the week Joe Biden demoted himself to vice president and he’s damn serious about it. In a speech today, Biden indicated he is no longer the illegitimate President of the United States. Yes, his brains are scrambled but this has to be part of some scheme by his handlers.

Biden gave what looked like a press conference except there was no press in attendance. The purpose of this pressless press conference was to tell people how awesome the economy is doing. He started wearing his douchy aviator sunglasses and after a few moments tried to take them off. Someone off-camera must have waived frantically at him so he put them back on. Clearly his handlers don’t want people to see his unblinking coked-up eyes.

From there, Biden touted all of his economic successes but had to concede that most people aren’t feeling it. With that, he made this weird admission:

“You know I know most families are just focused on putting three meals on the (pauses while he searches for the word) table, taking care of their kids and paying the bills. Helping you do that is my job. That’s the president’s job as well,” said Biden.

It’s Biden’s job to help families put food on the table as well as the president’s job? So who the hell is the president? Biden is clearly indicating that the president is someone other than him.

That wasn’t a Biden gaffe or ad lib. Even with his sunglasses on, you can tell he is reading off of a teleprompter so his handlers wanted him to say that. He’s so zonked out on drugs and dementia that he’ll say whatever is put in front of him.

The question is why? Just a couple of days ago Biden referred to himself as the vice president and now he’s saying someone other than he is the president.

I honestly think it’s part of a campaign to soften the blow when Biden steps down after the midterms. If he keeps saying he’s not the president, it normalizes it and when he leaves people won’t be shocked. They will have been psychologically conditioned to think of him as someone other than the president.

The only other thing I can think of is, maybe he’s trying to get people to disassociate him from the office of the presidency so they won’t blame him for all the terrible things he’s done. He or, more accurately, his handlers want people to think “the president” is letting people down but Joe Biden is there to help them. I know that sounds stupid, but what about Biden’s illegitimate presidency isn’t full-blown retarded?

Either way, it seems like the White House puppet masters have figured out a way for Joe Biden to not be president without making train wreck Kamala Harris the actual president.