President Trump: “I Have TRUTH on My Side, and When You Have TRUTH, You Will Ultimately Be Victorious!”

President Trump shared moments ago that no matter what the corrupt media, corrupt Big Tech, and corrupt democrats say, he has the Truth on his side and will therefore be ultimately victorious.

This from

President Trump released a statement midday Saturday.

Like all of the other Hoaxes and Scams that they’ve used to try and silence the voice of a vast majority of the American People, I have TRUTH on my side, and when you have TRUTH, you will ultimately be victorious!

Biden’s DOJ and FBI launched a raid on President Trump’s home on Monday. They stormed his Florida home and rampaged through his things. The FBI even went through Melania Trump’s wardrobe and left it a mess.

Then the media claimed the FBI was after nuclear documents for the sake of the union, but they sat on the warrant to raid the President’s place for days. They lied about this because they realized how utterly outrageous their raid was.

Nothing adds up in the crazy and corrupt world of the devil democrats. Evil is NOT on the side of the truth.

This is why Russia collusion was proven a lie. Joe-Joe Biden didn’t come close to garnering 81 million votes in the 2020 Election…. and the list goes on.


We have TRUTH on our side, and we will ultimately be victorious!


As such were the words and demonstrated temperament of President Trump, a great leader. Most important is that he does not allow even a hint of fear or doubt to be shown to We the People.

May we please not falter. May we rise to this occasion and bring back Our Constitutional Republic from the brink of destruction.

God speed to the powers of right and true.