Is This a Bridge Too Far? Melania Trump to Work Alongside ‘Log Cabin Republicans’

First Lady Melania Trump is scheduled to make her first campaign appearance following the passing of her mother in January 2024 at a Log Cabin Republicans fundraiser in Florida.

The event will take place on April 20 at Mar-a-Lago.

This from

Log Cabin Republicans is an organization dedicated to representing LGBT conservatives and electing Republicans to office.

In its own words:

Log Cabin Republicans have a proud history of fighting to build a stronger, more inclusive Republican Party.

LGBT Republicans and straight allies have chosen to transform the GOP from the inside, working to overcome the forces of exclusion and intolerance.

NOTE: Mrs. Trump’s involvement with the organization is not sitting well with some, including former Trump senior legal adviser and outspoken Christian Jenna Ellis.

And there are those who strongly hold to the adage:

Faith and politics are, at best, inelegant dance partners.

That is, faith, when earnestly practiced, demands zero compromise. Politics, save for a one-party rule scenario or a reasonable facsimile thereof, is a constant struggle of give-and-take where no one gets everything they want so everyone gets something they desire.

And a bit of sage advice:

Ideological purity is a luxury even the most strident practitioners quickly discover belongs to sideline commentators alone.

No one likes it, but such is life in a constitutional republic.


We’re electing a President, not a pastor.

This is the response to the question:

You say you’re a Christian, so how can you support such an obvious sinner as Trump?

And thus, Trump detractors are driven to distraction with the seeming inconsistency of the most popular President in more than a generation, if not longer.

Because, despite the many errors Trump’s detractors see in the man’s walk with God, and their belief that he lacks humility, the penultimate line of Micah 6:8 attracts other Christians to Trump:

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy
and to walk humbly with your God.

Now, because Micah uses it, let us recall the meaning of the word ‘mercy’:

Mercy is not being administered what we deserve as sinners.

And for sake of comparison, recall the meaning of the word ‘grace’:

Grace is being given what we do not deserve.

In other words, GRACE is God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.

Now, with all this in mind:

[W]hat should be said about politicians who openly disrespect their faith or commit personal atrocities such as proclaiming themselves to be good Catholics while wholeheartedly endorsing abortion without limits?

And along this line of thought what does another term with President Trump at the helm offer We the People?

– Trump, despite his shortcomings, has evidenced respect for believers and what they believe,

– Christians know Trump is a sinner because they know we’re all sinners, and

– There is a willingness among Christian voters to forgive Trump his shortcomings because while he is not exactly a shining paragon of virtuous living, during his time in office he did not actively oppose nor legally belittle what Jesus’ followers believe.

Final thought: I cannot condone anything LGBTQ-related, and God speed to Melania Trump.