Elizabeth Warren Disciple Threatens To ‘Crush’ Trump Supporters In New Civil War

It’s beyond me why leftists think they would come out victoriously if there were ever an ideological civil war. They don’t believe in guns and chances are the military and the police would side with the conservatives. I guess maybe they’d have 87,000 armed IRS doofuses on their side but that ain’t gonna cut it. One disciple of Elizabeth Warren however isn’t looking at things realistically and says he will crush Trump supporters in a new civil war.

Max Berger was part of the utterly stupid Occupy Wall Street movement. He is a member of the  Justice Democrats, which are the losers who put AOC in office. He has also worked with Scream Queen Howard Dean, Squad member Cori Bush, and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren.

Berger reacted to a NY Times op/ed that basically said people have to face the reality that Trump and his supporters exist. Berger had a different idea:

After getting ratioed for saying he intends to crush half the country and start a civil war, Berger expanded upon his madness:

Actually yes, on all 3 counts. Abolitionist John Brown raided the armory at Harper’s Ferry to start a slave revolt. Republican Abraham Lincoln initiated the Civil War to preserve the Union and abolish slavery. Our Founding fathers knew the Declaration of Independence would trigger a war and were prepared to die for their freedom.

Also, what does any of that have to do with a big-talking leftist loser idly threatening to crush all Trump supporters? He didn’t answer but did double-down on his threat:

Berger just keeps getting more confused. He’s equating Trump supporters to those who were opposed to the Civil War but those people were not crushed like Berger says Republicans must be. Also, he had previously said Trump supporters were essentially like the Confederates so it’s an even dumber comparison.

Berger is saying he is willing to preserve democracy by killing people based on the way they participated in the democratic process of voting. I’m sorry, who is the fascist in this scenario?

As I say every time one of these leftist asswipes pops off and threatens to kill conservatives in a civil war: bring it, fool.

We’ll assemble the Def-Con News 1st Volunteer Infantry Militia and meet Berger’s Merry Band of Beta Males and Soy Boys at the Starbucks of their choice in a battle to the death. The winner gets control of Twitter.