Joe Biden’s New Tough Guy Persona Threatens To Ban Assault Weapons

Joe Biden had been going with that doddering old fool/giblet head thing for a while but it never really caught on. After some intense research and testing, Biden’s handlers have recast him as a tough guy. The problem is, he can’t pull it off in public so it’s limited to his Twitter account. In any case, this new tough guy persona is threatening to ban assault weapons, which is something he’ll never be able to do.

I’ve been following Joe Biden on Twitter since before he even announced he was running for president and 2 things are very clear: he doesn’t write his own tweets and his entire output is boring lies. Over the weekend I noticed a shift in tone on his timeline and suddenly he’s a tough-talking SOB (still lying though). I can only assume the 30 or so people it takes to run his Twitter are trying to make him seem less demented and feeble.

Have a look:

That’s funny considering that the Biden administration can’t even define what a woman is and completely insulting since half the women in this country are Republicans. He’s saying that half of all American women aren’t really women unless they support his agenda.

That one took a special lack of self-awareness to post considering that democrats are in control of the federal government and have done nothing but destroy this country for the past 20 months. Republicans have no power to destroy American, nor do they have the desire. What the democrats have done is out there for all to see.

This next one however is possibly the dumbest of the bunch:

Well gosh, Joe, if you already banned assault weapons why do they need to be banned again?

Here’s the thing, Biden signed the “gun safety” bill over a month ago, so it’s not something that “just” happened. I bet one of his handlers just reminded him of it and it seems new to him.

Also, this NRA-beating gun safety legislation doesn’t do shit to reduce crime or make anyone safer.

The biggest issue here however is Biden bragging that he’s going to ban assault weapons again, after his first attempt failed. In recent speeches, Biden has claimed if democrats get 2 more Senators in the midterms, they will be able to do all kinds of things including passing an assault weapons ban.

Math begs to differ. Democrats have been able to pass all of the massive spending bills with a simple majority under the bullshit budget reconciliation rule but would need 60 votes to pass legislation like a gun ban. If they get 2 more Senators, they’ll still be 8 votes shy of assaulting our Constitutional rights.

Which brings up another issue: any assault weapons ban the democrats pass would be unconstitutional. In the Heller v. D.C. decision the Supreme Court ruled, among other things, that people have a right to own weapons “in common use.” The AR-15, which Joe thinks is an assault weapon, is the most commonly used rifle in the United States.

Try as they might to make Joe Biden a tough guy, his handlers still have the problem that he’s full of shit and suffering from dementia. Badass plus Alzheimers still equals Alzheimers.