In the wake of the news that the FBI suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop story ahead of the 2020 election, President Trump is now calling for an election redo.
This from

Here’s the comment:

What is our President attempting with this statement and proposed “REMEDY”?
At this point in time the communists who have We the People by the throats and who are figuratively squeezing the life from our bodies will not roll over and acknowledge any wrongdoing let alone even consider a REDO of the 2020 election. No way. Additionally, the presidential election should not be the end of it. If we redo one election, let’s redo them all. I predict with absolute certainty if this were done, the GOP would be landslide winners of the U.S. House and the Senate.
However, there is no way President Trump will be named the election winner or that a redo of the election will occur. Metaphorically speaking, the gorilla feces has already been flung into the giant fan blades and the excrement has been spread to every corner and crevice of this once-great nation.
But with that said, what does Trump intend to gain by way of this demand? At the level which he is operating, actions tell us so very little. We must identify his motive. And this being his most recent move, in what manner will the Deep State respond? Further, will We the People even be privy to a response?
Noteworthy is: The FBI had the goods on Hunter Biden and clearly refused to go near it because they did not want to see Trump reelected. Having communicated with Facebook to suppress the article was obviously a small piece of the large puzzle of actions they performed. They did the same with Twitter, they blocked the article and the NY Post from initially sharing it, claiming it was ‘hacked materials’ when it absolutely was not, as well as having performed a number of other nefarious actions.
Remember, the FBI also perpetuated the ‘Russian disinformation’ scheme that was spewed by every one of the mass propaganda media entities, doing everything they could to keep it from negatively affecting Joe Biden.
Bottom Line: We the People are caught up in a High Stakes board game. Some may say that Trump has with this proposed “REMEDY” made a good move, others will say he wasted his move.
What say you Def-Con News readers?
Final thought: There are great minds out there who are foretelling of President Trump’s return. Marshall Masters, for example, recently predicted “all of Trump’s votes will be returned to him.” I question what this means, but I am comforted by a hope, however slight it may seem at this point in time.