The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) was established in 1979 under executive order #12127 by Jimmy Carter. The same President that gave us the Department of Education, coincidentally in the same year, 1979. Seems 1979 was a great year for the United States Government’s grab of power. What also seems ironic was it was under a democrat President. One of the worst Presidents in modern history, that was until Barrack Obama entered the picture and replaced him. Only to be eclipsed by the idiot we have now, joe biden who is without a doubt not only the worst President but also the dumbest.
The precursor agency to FEMA was the Federal Civil Defense Administration established by President Harry S. Truman in 1950 under executive order #10186. Surprise surprise another democrat.
In 2002, it was finally codified into law and made a Department of Homeland Security component. As well as providing large-scale emergency management, FEMA is also the largest flood insurer in the United States, mainly because most private insurance companies do not offer flood insurance. A service that I’m sure is not spelled out within the United States Constitution.
The existence of FEMA concentration camps has been ‘debunked’, they claim, although the US government previously interned US citizens (Japanese Americans) in concentration camps during WWII and developed, but did not implement, contingency plans for the mass internment of US citizens in the 1980s.
The National Archives has more information on the Executive Order that then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered here. I don’t think anyone will be surprised to learn that yet again it was a democrat that instituted the internment of American Citizens who had committed no crime.
The National Constitution Center has an interesting read of how the order was perceived by the U.S. Army here. It gives a little background and insight into how the Supreme Court heard some cases and their ruling.
Further to fuel the fire some more. From July 15 to September 15, 2015, the United States Military conducted realistic military training (RMT) exercises in all branches of the then four, and some 1,200 troops of our military conducted training in the operation called Jade Helm 15
I would like to point out here I have used Wikipedia in a lot of these links, and while I do not trust Wikipedia to tell the truth, they are often the only source of or one of the most returned sources on the internet when searching for information. Take that as you will.
Although they do not mention FEMA specifically, the Oath Keepers’ list of 10 “Orders We Will Not Obey,” contains many of the fears shared by proponents of FEMA conspiracy theories.
This link is for FEMA. It was taken directly from the FEMA website and gives a little detailed information on regions, states, and territories. There are 10 regions and the breakdown of where each state is included in a given region is included.
This link from the SPLC Southern Poverty Law Center Also tries to dispel the belief that the Federal Government is setting up FEMA camps across the country.
As you can see a great deal of time and money seems to be being wasted on both sides to either dissuade or convince Patriots and others that their government is not only spying on them but actively working to control the population. Of course, working to control is happening, how they are working is the question we all want the answer to.
I will leave one more link. It is the Patriot Act law that was passed Oct 26, 2001. I have never read it before. I’m no lawyer so I don’t speak gobbledygook, however, what I have read and understood is alarming.
So Pop, I’m not sure this is what you want. It doesn’t get into the nitty-gritty. I prefer to pique a person’s interest and allow people to look on their own.
I could find no definitive proof either way. I will say the government has done some things in the past that I think many of us would find reprehensible, my thoughts are if they have done it before they will do it again.
As always your comments constructive criticism and insight are always welcome.