News Flash: Joe Biden Is A Lying Sack Of Crap

Will no one from the liberal media fact check Joe Biden’s lies? At the DNC summer meeting, the illegitimate president told a heart-wrenching story about a family struggling to pay for insulin for their children that was 100% fiction. It only took me 3 seconds on Google to prove it was a lie and I’m not even a professional reporter with a fancy-ass journalism degree.

Biden kicked off his fake story with another work of fiction, claiming that the Inflation reduction act will lower the cost of prescription medication. It will not. From there he went into his fantasy world:

“I was in Virginia, couple months ago, meeting with a family at uh an event. And I stood up this mother with two kids an I type-1 dye-a-bee, type-2 diabetes. Paying 675 bucks a month for their insulin. She said, “I can’t do it, anymore. Gotta cut dosage, gotta skip.” Imagine,” said Biden.

Joe’s ineloquent story telling aside, this is pure bullshit. He says this happened at an event in Virginia 2 months ago? The only trip Joe made to Virginia in July was to deliver remarks at the CIA headquarters to celebrate their 75th anniversary. What are the chances there was some desperately poor mom with 2 diabetic kids at that particular event?

Maybe the woman was a CIA employee? No, CIA employees make good money and have kick-ass health benefits. Joe Biden saw to that by making sure all federal employees are well-paid and have good health coverage.

Biden didn’t go to Virginia in September, August, or June so it’s not like he was just slightly off on the date. He did go to Virginia in May to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery but again, there’s no chance some random mom went up to Biden and told her about her insulin issues. It’s a solemn ceremony.

Biden’s only other trips to Virginia in 2022 were to attend a general’s funeral in Arlington and the National Governors Association’s Black Tie Dinner at Mount Vernon. If anyone thinks Biden’s story took place at either events, they are crazier than he is.

Biden, as a pathological liar doesn’t seem to realize that as the illegitimate president of the United States, there’s a very detailed list of all of the trips he takes and the events he attends. When he says he was somewhere, it only takes a couple of seconds to fact-chack that on Google. For some reason, the liberal media can’t be bothered with this simple exercise.

Biden telling this story the way he did is psychotic. He could have just as easily told the story without giving a specific time and place and nobody would be the wiser. Instead, he put it at a time and place that he wasn’t at. That’s f*cking crazy for someone of his position.

Unlike the liberal media, Def-Con News is thorough fact-checking organization and I have additional reasons why this story is fiction. The first is because Biden has been telling some variation of this story for years, way before 2 months ago in Virginia. Certain details change but it’s always a mom or dad complaining to Joe that they can’t afford insulin for their diabetic children. Why do people keep wandering up to Biden with this same story?

The other reason is because, as the illegitimate president of the United States, when Biden travels, attends an event, and interacts with the public there are always cameras on him. How is it possible that none of these “we can’t afford insulin” incidents have ever been captured on video?

What we’re left with is two choices: either this woman managed to crash an event with high-alert security, avoid being captured on video or noticed by pool reporters, and got to Biden to complain about the price of insulin or Joe’s a lying sack of crap.