What caused the collapse of one of the greatest empires in history?
Are there any similarities to today? I have heard more than once, as I’m sure you have that every nation, every empire falls, eventually. Are we moving in that direction now? I would have to say yes. In my opinion, every nation is always moving in that direction, from the time of its founding till its fall. Some leaders push that date back extending the inevitable, and others aid in its decline. The real question IMO is how far or how fast until we reach that tipping point.
First I think a little history lesson is needed.
The fall of the Western Roman Empire, (the fall of Rome) was due in large part to a failure to control its rule, its vast territory was divided into several political factions or groups with a collective entity. The Romans had lost their greatest strengths. The effectiveness of its army for a start. The health of its population, its economy, its leaders, emperors, or in our case President. It had a huge problem with internal power struggles, religious changes, the efficiency of civil administration, and increasing pressure from outside forces. The Romans had to face barbarians, we have China, Iran, Communism, and Socialism, both from outside and within. They also faced two other problems which we face today ‘climatic change’, and epidemic.
In 376 Â the Romans had a huge unmanageable number of what the biden administration and the mass media like to call migrants. What I call illegal aliens.
If all of this sounds familiar you have been paying attention.
The year 476 has been generally been agreed upon as the date for the fall of the Western Roman Empire. The date 406 is also been given as a tipping point when the barbarians crossed the Rhine and invaded into Roman Empire’s most secure boundaries. In the year 410, when the city of Rome was sacked (although it was no longer the capital or the seat of power) or the death of Julis Nepos the last Emperor in 480
In 476 the Germanic barbarian king Odoacer deposed the last Roman Emperor of the Western Roman Empire in Italy. Emperor Romulus Augustulus, who was a child, Â the Senate even sent the imperial insignia to the Eastern Roman Empire to protect it.
One historian gave 210 reasons for the fall, among them disease, repeated civil wars, barbarian attacks, mass immigration of non-Roman citizens into the empire, political division, a more centralized and bureaucratic state, incompetence in military commanders, and growing social divisions. Cruelty, extortion, and corruption, may have also become more commonplace. The scale, complexity, and violence from the government were unmatched. the emperors lost control over entire realms, control was offered to anyone willing to pay for it. The richest senatorial families were immune to most forms of tax, they gained more and more of the available wealth and income. The number of and effectiveness of the regular soldiers may have declined during the fourth century. Payrolls were inflated so that pay could be diverted and exemptions from duty sold. The soldier’s opportunity for personal wealth from extortion was multiplied during periods of residence in cities, while the effectiveness of the army was reduced by the focus on extortion instead of military exercises. While at the local level from the early fourth century, town councils lost their property and their power, which often became concentrated in the hands of a few local despots, who were beyond the reach of the law.
In 408 the first siege of Rome took place which caused a horrible famine within the walls of the city. All the shipments of grain had to pass through the port of Rome and it was under occupation. The siege ended when the city agreed to pay a large payment, although large it was less than the richest Senators could have produced, and the super-rich refused to contribute. The Pagan temples were stripped of their wealth to pay the ransom, and with promises of freedom, many of Rome’s slaves were recruited.
Seeing how this is getting a bit long, and I have prattled on I will end it here. Suffice it to say the next 60 or 70 Â years didn’t get any better for Western Roman Empire. They were slowly picked apart due to sheer incompetence. Just as we are being led now.
I have decided to change my signature sign-off. Here goes. We have less than 60 days till the midterm election, before you vote look at the voting record of all those running.
here is a link to aid you. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/biden-congress-votes/
Remember only you can stop RINO’s and Socialists. Â Â