Protesters Raise Mexican Flag Over ICE Facility In Colorado

I’ve never understood the point of protesting, mostly because I’m not a leftist lunatic, but presumably it’s to gain sympathy for a cause. Some pieces of shit in Colorado failed miserably in that regard. Not only did they desecrate an American flag, they raised a Mexican flag over an ICE facility. I’m not kidding when I say that I feel like this is a genuine act of war against the United States.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is planning raids this weekend to round up around 2,000 illegal aliens who have deportation notices. If there’s one thing leftists hate more than basic hygiene it’s enforcing the law, so a massive protest formed outside of an ICE Facility in Aurora, CO. The protestors stormed the facility and pulled down the American flag as well as the Colorado flag.

These scumbags then raised a Mexican flag as well as a “Blue Lives Matter” American flag that had been spray painted with “Abolish ICE.”

Have a look:

Eventually the protesters dispersed and the the offending flags were removed, with the the American flag once again flying over the facility.

The reason why I feel this was an act of war is simple: foreign nationals taking down an American flag and raising one of their own at a Federal facility is a hostile act. It’s seizing US property in the name of a foreign government, which is an act of war. If this was illegal aliens or Mexican citizens doing this, it was most certainly a declaration of war on the United States.

Whatever the case, ICE agents should have opened fire on these protesters. I’m confident they had a legal right to do so and it would have been a great deterrent. If more leftist assholes got killed attacking US facilities, less of them would do it. That’s just commonsense.

I have an American flag flying in front of my house and if some commie loser was f*cking with it, I wouldn’t hesitate to put a load of 00 buckshot in his or her ass. People get arrested and charged with hate crimes all the time for desecrating LGBT rainbow flags. Why isn’t protecting the American flag a more urgent priority?

Believe it or not, there are moderate democrats who still love this country and they are looking at these scumbags desecrating the American flag and raising a Mexican flag over a government facility and thinking, “the left side is the crazy side.” If these protesters were hoping to garner popular support, all they really did was alienate centrist democrats and send them running for the GOP.

The really interesting thing about this story is how the liberal media has completely ignored it. This was strictly local story with no national coverage. The last thing the liberal media wants to do is give people the impression that those who hate America and want to see it destroyed are violent lunatics.

If a couple of knucklehead neo-Nazis raised a white supremacy flag in front of a post office in Bumfuck, Oklahoma, it would be huge national news with even more outrage to go with it. Illegal aliens and leftist agitators claiming an ICE facility in the name of Mexico doesn’t fit the liberal media narrative or their anti-American agenda.