Adam Kinzinger Cries That Republican ‘Crazies’ Will Try To Impeach Joe Biden If They Win Back The House

Ultra-RINO Rep. Adam Kinzinger isn’t running for reelection because he knows how hated he is by his party and constituents. Being a petty piece of shit, the lame duck asswipe wants to burn down the Republican Party on his way out. In a parting shot, Kinzinger cried that Republicans will try to impeach Joe Biden if win back control of the House. That’s definitely not the sick burn he thinks it is.

Here’s the thing about Kinzinger: he’s not just anti-Trump or anti-Republican, he’s pro-democratic party. It’s not that he’s just an old-school conservative who disagrees with the new-breed of Republican, he hates everything about the Republican party and is a cheerleader for the democrats. Calling him a RINO indicates that there is some small part of him that’s still Republican, but there’s nothing except democrat diarrhea in this asshole from head-to-toe.

Here’s some lowlights from a CNN interview Kinzinger did to prove that point:

Kinzinger kicked things off by saying his biggest regret is not voting to impeach Trump the first time.

“Yeah, if I could go back in time, I’d vote for it,” said Kinzinger.

Then there’s this:

“If that’s a county clerk race in Maricopa County or it’s a secretary of state race in Georgia or elsewhere, yes, I will endorse a Democrat over a Republican without thinking twice about it,” Kinzinger said.

It’s not like we didn’t already know.

Kinzinger then kissed some ass of his preferred party by predicting that Republicans will not retake the House, saying, “Democrats may end up surprising people. There’s a lot of energy right now.”

He was then asked what he thought would happen if Republicans did gain control of the House:

“Look, back before we had all the crazies here, just some crazies. You know, every vote we took, we had to somehow defund Obamacare in a, you’ll remember, right when we took over it was we need to do the omnibus bill, but we’re not going to vote for it because it doesn’t defund Obamacare. That’s going to look like child’s play in terms of what Marjorie Taylor Greene is going to demand of Kevin McCarthy. They’re going to demand an impeachment vote on President Biden every week,” said Kinzinger.

And? Sounds good to me.

Biden should be impeached, seeing as how many impeachable offenses he’s committed. The border crisis Biden created has destroyed our country’s sovereignty and is an impeachable offense. Him violating the separations of power and stealing $1 trillion from the American taxpayer to forgive student loans is an impeachable offense. His family’s financial entanglements with Russia, Ukraine, and China are impeachable offenses.

And speaking of Ukraine, Biden actually threaten to withhold aid to the country unless they did a personal political favor for him. He is on video admitting that he told Ukraine if they didn’t fire a prosecutor who was investigating a company his crackhead son Hunter worked for, that they wouldn’t get money from the U.S.

This is what democrats impeached Donald Trump over the first time around, but they lacked any sort of proof. Biden on the other hand is on video bragging about it.

So, to understand what kind of Republican-hating democratic party operative Kinzinger is, he regrets not impeaching Trump for an innocuous phone call but complains that Republicans might try to impeach Joe Biden for actually extorting political favors or any other number of high crimes and misdemeanors committed by the illegitimate president.