Pointing Trump Supporters Have Liberals Screaming ‘Nazis!’

At rally in Ohio for Republican Senate Candidate J.D. Vance, Donald Trump spoke when his supporters spontaneously held 1 finger in the air. This has liberals claiming that Trump supporters are and all Republicans are Nazis. Apparently pointing is now a racist gesture of the Third Reich because Trump Derangement Syndrome has no cure.

A picture of Trump supporters holding one finger in the air has triggered the left worse than a “covfefe” tweet. What were these Trump supporters doing? America first? We’re number one? I have no idea but one thing I know they weren’t doing was “sieg heiling.”

But liberals have a different way of interpreting the world so here we go. This is the former director of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics under Obama, Walter Shaub, showing off his ethical skills:

Not that what those people are doing is a Nazi salute but if it was, wouldn’t that be pretty overt already?

And here’s The Washington Post’s “conservative” Jennifer Rubin:

“Uncanny” is another one of those words liberals have an alternative definition for. It looks like people holding up a finger and nothing more.

As an added bonus, here’s white-people hater Saira Rao:

So it appears as if liberals have decided that holding one finger in the air is now a symbol of hate like the “OK” hand gesture. I wonder if they realize how many of their heroes are also Nazi bastards:

I’m starting to think Obama might be one of those Adolf Hitler clones from The Boys from Brazil.

Joe Biden is der goofen Führer.

As it turns out, we already had a picture of Hillary Clinton doing an actual Nazi salute on file. I’m sure there’s plenty of shots of her holding up one finger, either the bird or shoving it up Bill’s ass.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden and the democrats are controlling what you are allowed to see on social media, “othering” half the country as enemies of the state, trying to disarm the people, and building a 87,000-strong army of IRS agents to make sure you give them your money that they feel entitled to. But yeah, A bunch of Trump supporters pointing up are the real Nazis.