“Fort Myers Beach no longer exists.”—Hurricane Ian Devastation Bluntly Put by Senator Rubio & Others. STUNNING Footage Is Shocking

Hurricane Ian was a hurricane of unimaginable proportion. To be clear, and contrary to what the politicization is creating, it was not a climatecane or a hurriwarm or any other sort of weird or unique Frankenstein’s monster made of air conditioning and coal.

This from therightscoop.com.

It was a hurricane. A powerful, devastating, furious storm.

This category four beast is not the biggest or worst to ever strike land, but it is a contender in the great hall of hurricanes. It took trees and sand. It took lives and homes and livelihoods. It took entire communities.

Perhaps the climate change alarmism is a political aspect of this catastrophe, but let’s start out by acknowledging what has been lost.

Sen. Marco Rubio Sunday morning put it bluntly:

Fort Myers Beach is gone. It was a business and tourism community, a lovely one, very old school. We visited in-laws there many times and even tossed around the idea of retirement nearby. [Now] it is flattened. Wiped off the map.

Have no doubt, however, Floridians will rebuild, but that does not mean the loss isn’t keen and shocking.

Describing it is one thing, but seeing it is another. The first two videos here are during the storm from a storm chaser, putting the wind and storm surge in shocking perspective.

The aftermath is equally shocking.


And for a touch more politics: Nationally, this won’t be treated like Katrina was, for three reasons.

1. [Communist Resident]—This is self-explanatory. The person in the White House isn’t a Republican so the media can’t get any traction playing ‘finger-point.’ They didn’t ask where Biden was as Floridians were suffering (Doing fundraisers against Republican governors). They won’t ask why he isn’t there already surveying the damage. He’s a [communist] so free pass.

2. Too big, too many victims, too racially diverse—The storm was too big. It hit too many places, crossing all demographics of income, politics, and most importantly, race. You can’t make a race game out of it for ratings and fundraising because there are too many White victims. And Florida voted for Trump and DeSantis. And Florida didn’t covid hard enough.

3. The press need time to focus on shilling for [communists]—Too much hurricane coverage would distract from their job of villainizing Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott, acting like the end of Roe v Wade is the Handmaid’s Tale, and telling everyone that democracy will end if Republicans win.

Final thoughts: The devastation in Florida is massive and terrible, and the people there will live with this destruction for a long, long time. They need our help, our donations, and our prayers. But they do not need or want the politics of hate and finger pointing and hindsight.

To the mass propaganda media: Go screw yourselves—far away from Florida.

God speed and may God bless Florida and Floridians.