President Trump: “If the communists win … I don’t believe we’ll EVER have a fair election again”

If the communists win next month then we may never have a fair election again.

That’s the truth.

This from

This is something communists have been saying about Republicans.

That is, if We the People win, democracy will end. This, of course, couldn’t be any further from the truth—in more ways than one.

Communists say this because they are projecting and deflecting.

It is they who will institutionalize fraud. It’s not a secret, they intend to do this and they say it, they just don’t call it that.

Further, these communists insist on misidentifying the U.S.A. as a ‘democracy.’ They know damn well the U.S.A. is a Constitutional Republic.

Their plan is to subtly change the distinction, so with their election fraud they easily retain control. Voting becomes less important than counting the votes—all nice and democratic.

The communist mis-leadership also seeks to use the covid rules forever.

They want to weight elections by race. They want to abolish the electoral college. They want to eliminate purging the rolls and allow felon voting and a million other things to make sure they never lose. And if they win in November, by the skin of their teeth, that’s exactly what they’ll do.

Trump lays out who they are in this clip, and says this truth about our future, and you can BET that the media will act aghast about it as if they don’t say the same thing EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.



We have a window of opportunity to avert the final communist take over. In fact, the Take Back of Our once-great Nation is in progress.

October is being called Red October for a number of reasons. Key lawsuits will be heard this month as well as final preparations by Republicans to ensure a Red Wave in November AND preparations by communists to cancel or again steal the November elections.

Be prepared for the worst, Def-Con News readers, and hope and pray for something less problematic.

This November We the People MUST vote Republican. Let us rid ourselves of the communists first. Next to be dealt with will be the RINOs.

God speed to Conservatism.

And may God bless President Trump and Our MAGA movement.