Joe Biden Literally Can’t Count To Three

While it’s scary enough that the world is on the brink of nuclear war, it’s positively terrifying that braindead Joe Biden running the United States of America. In one of his worst dementia moments yet, Old Joe demonstrated that he literally cannot count to three. For those who say he has the mind of a child, the joke’s on you because he actually has the mind of an infant.

Biden was at a Volvo plant in Maryland on Friday pretending like he’s done a great job with the economy. He also pretended like he has the math skills of a 1-year-old:

“Let me start with two words: Made in America. Made in America,” said Biden.

Isn’t “made in America” three words? And technically since he said it twice, he started off with six words. He wasn’t even close on that one.

What makes it funnier is that the group of people gathered applauded this basic math fail. Also, this is pretty funny too:

“Not hyperbole. I’m not joking about that as you know,” Biden said.

I know “Made in America” is not two words.

I’ve been covering Biden’s dementia and the White House spin concerning it from the beginning so I know how his handlers are going to explain this. You see, what Biden actually said was “Maiden America” which is two words. The liberal media will buy this load of bullshit and never ask: “Why the f*ck did Joe Biden say ‘Maiden America?'”

Maybe he’s a big Iron Maiden fan and is stoked they are touring America or more likely the hamster on the wheel in his head had a stroke.

Also, it might have been better for Biden to say “Maiden America” at an actual American company instead of a Swedish one. It’s made in America but the profits go to a bunch of Swedish meatballs. I can say that without it being a hate crime because I’m half-Swedish.

After demonstrating that he doesn’t know how math works, Biden then showed that he doesn’t get how accountability works either:

“I was able to bring gasoline down well over a dollar sixty but it’s inching up because of what the Russians and the Saudis just did. I’m not finished with that just yet,” said Biden.

Biden is clearly referring to the announcement 2 days ago that OPEC is going to slash oil production. It’s weird how gas prices have been going up for over a month now but that it was caused by something that happened on Wednesday. That however is not the biggest problem here.

Gas price started going up the day Joe Biden took office. Over a year later, Russia invaded Ukraine and Joe blamed that for the high cost of gas that had already been high before the war. Then, over the summer, gas prices came down slightly and Biden took full credit. Now that they are going back up, it’s the fault of Russia and Saudi Arabia.

If Biden can manipulate the price of gasoline as he claims, when he takes credit for falling prices he has to own it when they go up. Also, if he has the power to bring gas prices down, why doesn’t he get them back to where they were when Trump was President and leave them there? The answer to that is Joe is a half-wit who is completely full of shit.

Meanwhile, Joe’s wife has a PhD in education so why doesn’t she help him brush up on basic counting? I’m sure she changes his diapers and feeds him oatmeal so it seems odd she would help him learn numbers.