Joe Biden Touches Young Woman’s Face And Then Holds Onto Her For Over A Minute

Joe Biden gave a speech today about how his #1 priority is making sure women can kill their unborn babies. All of that “reproduction rights” talk must have made Creepy Joe horny because right after, he accosted a young woman, touching her face and then holding onto her for a full minute.

Biden held an abortion rally ahead of the midterms because he thinks, given the shitty state of the economy, that this is what voters care about. He started things off by showing he knows absolutely nothing about the Constitution.

In regards to the recent Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, Biden had this to say.

“I’ve warned how this decision risks the broader right to privacy for everyone. There’s a thing called the 9th Amendment that says there’s a right to privacy. That’s how it was interpreted back then,” said Biden.

Well, there is a thing called the 9th Amendment but it doesn’t say anything about the right to privacy and it was not cited in the Roe v. Wade case whatsoever. The 9th Amendment is generally considered a garbage amendment that hasn’t been used in any Supreme Court decisions and is interpreted as meaning the Government can’t use enumerated rights to expand its power.

Biden then listed off all kinds of “rights” he claims are in the Constitution:

“The right to make a decision, the best decision for your health, right to birth control, the right that I pushed hard and it finally got changed, the right of married couples in the privacy of their vedroom,” said Biden.

Apparently, married couples didn’t have the right to privacy in their “vedrooms” and Joe Biden pushed hard to change that. I can find no evidence that any of this is true, but Joe Biden seems like a pretty honest guy so we’ll have to take his word for it. Also, we should accept that a “vedroom” is a thing.

Then Biden tried to make a case that failing to enunciate is a Constitutional right:

“Meanwhile, Congressional Republics are doubling down on their extreme positions.”

“Kevin McCarthy, Republic Leader in the House has said.”

“It does not rest with extremists Republics in Congress.”

Those damn Republics.

With inflation, recession, crime, and a looming nuclear Armageddon toping the list of American’s concerns, Biden promised, “The first bill that I will send to the Congress will be to codify Roe v. Wade and when Congress passes it I will sign it in January.”

He really has no idea how bad the democrats are going to get pummeled in the midterms, does he?

Biden then said this about the SCOTUS decision to overturn Roe v. Wade:

“It’s affecting children, moms, grandmoms, grandpops and all that entire generations.”

He’s right you know. Since the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, my grandfather has been unable to get an abortion.

Biden ended his speech by saying “sorry” and then turning around several times like he had no idea what to do next. Luckily, he figured it out and it was to touch as many women in as creepy of a way as possible.

First he grabbed ahold of an elderly black woman and rubbed her shoulders for a while because he was raised in the black community or the Puerto Rican community. He can’t remember.


Biden shook hands with a short round young woman and wouldn’t let go as he greeted others around her. Then Biden took both of his fists and weirdly caressed her checks. From there he re-grabbed her hand and resumed shaking hands of other people in her vicinity. Soon the woman got a look on her face like, “when is this creepy old dude going to let go of me?” The answer was a solid minute later.

Biden certainly didn’t turn any voters with this abortion rally, but he did prove that his time in law school was a waste and that his promise to stop creeping on women was lie like all his other promises.