Commentary: The Real Reason Latinos Are Leaving the Communist Party—We Are Not “Woke”, We Are Awake

Guest post by Bianca Gracia, Latinos for Trump, President, explains why she ran from the [democrat communist] party.

Despite what you may have heard from CNN or some other leftist mainstream media outlet—the Latin community is leaving the [democrat communist party] in droves.

CNN and the fake news media still think the left has a stranglehold on Latino voters.

They state such foolishness as:

‘Republicans have demonized Latino immigrants to score political points’ implying that Latinos aren’t smart enough to make their own voting choices based on principles or that Republicans have somehow misled us to switch parties.

The problem with this view is that the media is still living in the pre-Trump world—a world where it was easier to hide the real democrat communist party agenda behind lies and government handouts.

I can very simply tell you why Latinos are leaving the [party of the Left]:


“We are not ‘Woke’, We Are Awake.”


The Hispanic community has taken the rose-colored glasses off and has seen the democrat party of old for what it has become–a true socialist/communist party supporting anti-freedom ideals.

I, like many Hispanics, drank the [democrat] Kool-Aid. I believed the fake campaign promises, lobbied for local candidates who promised change and revitalization to poverty stricken areas—and voted according to what minorities were supposed to do. Until it was so blatantly obvious I had been lied to.

I was a lifelong [democrat], born and raised in Robstown, TX. A town with approximately 12,000 in population. The town is one of the most poverty stricken towns in the state. I left in 1990 and moved away to San Antonio, Texas, to attend St. Mary’s University. I was the first in my family to leave the barrio against all odds to pursue higher education.

Today, 32 years later, nothing has changed.

You can drive through Robstown, where my mother still resides, and see that town is still poverty stricken—and known for corruption within its local government. Hispanics have historically voted [democrat] and my hometown of Robstown, TX is proof of decades of lies and race baiting for votes.

It was President Trump that gave the Latino community a platform and a voice to be able to represent our true American values.

It was President Trump’s courage to confront the border crisis, his business acumen that gave us jobs and a booming economy and his fight for our freedom that showed the Latin community that politicians will deliver on promises and just how corrupt the left really is.

Latinos want change. We want real change—the change that President Trump offered us in 2016, with his question, what do you have to lose? At this point, we have everything to lose…our freedom and liberties, our jobs, our families, and our traditions, as we know them.

It is crystal clear to me that while Biden sits in the White House he is systematically destroying our communities through bad economic decisions that have resulted in astronomical gas and food prices, higher crime rates, and open borders where nearly 5 million illegals have entered our country since he [was installed as] president—many of whom enter the country in my beautiful state of Texas.

My state, which I love, is quickly being destroyed by increased crime and poverty from the [communist party] open border agenda.

Latino’s and the [democrat communist party] no longer share the same values.

We no longer will vote [democrat communist]. Tenemos que luchar por nuestros valores y libertad.

Final thought: Wow. Well said. This young lady has a very powerful voice. Thank you.