Joe Biden Flips Out On 2 More Reporters And Manhandles Them

Yesterday, Joe Biden snapped at Fox News reporter Peter Doocy for asking a fair question, calling him unimportant and insignificant. Today, Biden was asked two more fair questions and lost his shit on two more reporters, telling a female journalist she sucks at math and a male journalist that he is uneducated. As an added bonus, he grabbed and shook both of them. I’ve said it before and I’ll say not again: Joe Biden is a dick.

First up, Biden destroys the pillars of democracy with misogyny:

A female reporter tried to ask the legitimate question as to why most democrats don’t want Joe Biden campaigning for them. He in turn, grabbed her, shook her and said, “That’s not true. There been 15. Count kid, count!”

Not only did Biden disparage the math skills of this female reporter, he reduced her to a stupid child. Also, he grabbed her and shook her. I’ve been told that all of these things are violence against women but I guess Joe gets a free pass.

Ironically, Biden was about to fly off to Pittsburgh where he bragged that he spent “a billion 200 a trillion 200 billion dollars.” Maybe he’s not the one to sit in judgement of other people’s ability to count.

Plus, him bragging that 15 democrats have asked him to campaign for them is not as impressive as he thinks it is. All 435 House seats, 34 Senate seats, and 36 governorships are up for grabs in the 2022 midterm elections. Presumably there is a democrat candidate in all of these 505 races and Biden thinks it’s awesome that he’s campaigned for 15 of them? Also, that 15 number is probably a lie.

Next, Biden destroyed the pilars of democracy with misandry:

A male reporter tried to ask the legitimate question if Biden supports any restrictions on abortion. He in turn gabbed him, shook him, and said, “Yes there should be. Roe v. Wade, read it, man. You’ll get educated.”

Not only did Biden inappropriately touch this reporter, he accused him of being uneducated. I’ve been told this kind of hostility towards the press endangers the lives of journalists but I guess Biden gets a free pass.

Ironically, it’s Biden who is in need of some education because Roe v. Wade, the recently overturned SCOTUS decision that had legalized abortion, put no restrictions on it. According to Roe v. Wade, it was completely fine to kill an unborn baby right up until the moment of birth and that’s not a restriction at all.

Plus, Biden saying his belief in abortion restrictions is tied to the Supreme Court’s decision on the matter means that he does support restrictions on abortion. Since Roe v. Wade has been overturned and the matter of abortion returned to the states and since some states have placed restrictions on abortion, that means Biden supports restrictions on abortion. Now who’s the uneducated moron?

For the past two days, Joe Biden has been as irritable with the press as a woman with PMS. Since his entire insane anti-science woke administration insists that everyone can get pregnant, including 80-year-old men, maybe Joe is getting his period.

Or, more likely, Joe Biden is a dick who flips the f*ck out anytime someone asks him a legitimate question that he doesn’t want to answer.