Where’s Hillary? Lucianne Goldberg, Pivotal Player in The Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky Affair Dies

Did the Clinton Body Count claim another victim? Lucianne Goldberg, who played a pivotal role in exposing Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinski, which ultimately lead to the former president’s impeachment, died yesterday. We all know that Hillary holds a grudge, so somebody needs to check up on her whereabouts Wednesday.

Fox News reports:

Lucianne Goldberg, best remembered for the role she played in uncovering President Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, died Wednesday at the age of 87.

A longtime conservative activist and literary agent, Lucianne Goldberg gained national prominence for advising her friend Linda Tripp to secretly tape her conversations with former White House intern Monica Lewinsky, who had been involved in a sexual relationship with Clinton.

Tripp’s 20 hours of tapes of her conversations with Lewinsky were crucial to special prosecutor Kenneth Starr’s investigation of the Clinton-Lewinsky affair. Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on Dec. 19, 1998, for denying under oath that he had had sex with Lewinsky, but he was acquitted by the Senate.

BTW, Kenneth Starr just died about a month ago from “surgery complications.” Were those complications a Clinton operative cutting off his oxygen or spiking his IV? The Major 8-Ball says “F*Ck yeah!”

Given that Goldberg was the catalyst for Bill Clinton’s undoing, I’m actually shocked she lived this long. Also considering that Bill’s sexual shenanigans are basically the reason why Hillary can’t be president, I would have expected this Clinton Body Count death much sooner.

Normally the Clintons have people killed to shut there mouths permanently like Vince Foster, Jeffrey Epstein, etc… but now it looks like they are moving on to revenge. And clearly the focus is the players in Bill’s sexual predation scandals.

Guess what? Linda Tripp, who recorded Monica Lewinsky’s conversations died in 2020. They’re dropping like flies.

Look out Jaunita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewsinksy and Kathleen Wiley. Oh, did I mention that Kathleen Wiley’s husband, Edward, committed “suicide”?

Now, the cause of death for Lucianne Goldberg hasn’t been revealed but there isn’t a person reading this who doesn’t think something’s up with the Clintons. Especially with all the other players from Bill’s impeachment dying off. There are no coincidences, especially when it comes to Bill and Hillary Clinton.

And that’s the thing: hundreds of people associated with the Clintons have died mysterious and improbable deaths over the years. There are too many one-car crash fatalities and impossible suicided to ignore.

How many friends, associates, and business partners do you know who have died? I can think of a handful of people I’ve known who have passed on but nowhere near what the Clinton’s have going on.

They say that revenge is a dish best served cold and that’s apparently true for the Clintons. 24 years after Bill’s impeachment, all of the major players are suddenly ending up dead. In any other case, this would seem random but with the Clinton Body Count, nothing is a matter of fate, it’s all on purpose.