Does The Attack On Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Seem Suspicious To Anyone?

When I heard Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul got hammered I thought he was arrested for drunk driving again but it turns out someone broke into their house and beat him with a hammer. As terrible as that is, there’s something mighty suspicious about this story. Like, where the hell was the security at one of the richest more powerful woman’s house?

According to The NY Post, a 42-year-old homeless man name David Depape was able to infiltrate the San Francisco Pelosi compound in the early hours of Friday morning. He then smashed his way into the house through a glass door.

Encountering Paul Pelosi, Depape demanded, “Where’s Nancy?”

Presumably Paul informed Depape that Nancy was not there because he said he would wait until Nancy got home. Depape then tried to tie Paul up.

An alarm must have been triggered when Depape broke in and SFPD officers were dispatched to the residence. The police saw Depape and Pelosi both holding a hammer. When Depape saw the cops, he took the hammer away and used to to violently bash Paul in the head.

Police tacked Depape, disarmed him, and put him under arrest. They then began rendering aid to Paul, who was said to have “severe injuries.” Paul was taken to the hospital where he underwent non-specified surgery and is reported to be okay.

Depape was arrested and booked on charges of attempted homicide, assault with a deadly weapon, elder abuse, burglary, and “several other additional felonies.” Since this happened in SF, he was probably given a summons to appear and released on his own recognizance.

Depape was been described as a “nudity activist” and “hemp jewelry designer.” He reportedly lives in a storage container and at the time of the attack was in his underwear. Police say he left a manifesto ranting about government conspiracies and the COVID-19 vaccine.

First question: How is it even possible for a mostly-naked bum to get into the Speaker of the House’s house? Yes, Nancy Pelosi was in in Washington D.C. at the time, with her security detail, but there’s no security for Paul? He’s rich mofo in an exclusive neighborhood in a really scary city. I would image all of the mansions in the area would have armed security protecting them.

Even so, you’d think there would be things like walls, fences, security cams, motion sensors, motion sensor lights, and whatnot making it a little harder for a scumbag to infiltrate. Apparently that’s not the case. It’s a hell of a lot harder to get into my humble home.

The other thing that bothers me about this is that Paul is 82-years-old. I don’t see how someone that old can get his head bashed in by a hammer and then suddenly be in good condition. You’d think he’d be dead or at least Joe Biden-style braindead.

I’m not quite yet prepared to say this is some kind of false flag stunt to help the democrats in the midterms, but something about the official story doesn’t add up. Also, most of the liberal media is blaming this on violent rhetoric from Trump and the Republicans. Because, you know, a nudist hemp jewelry maker who lives in a storage container in San Francisco is totally one of those “Ultra-MAGA extremists” the democrats have been warning about.