What Strange Twist Is This? Wa-Po Op-Ed: “For the good of the country, Biden and Harris should bow out of the 2024 election”

George Will wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post calling for Joe-Joe and Kamaltoe not to run again in 2024—for the good of the country.

This from slaynews.com.

Will urged the Left to dump the Dingbat Duo as candidates for the 2024 presidential election because they risk putting Trump back in power.

Will said:

Biden is past his prime and Harris is unqualified to be considered as his successor, so they should get out before it is too late.

Much of America is thinking Gitmo would be a fine retreat for the two, as well as hundreds of others.

Will said of Biden:

Meeting recently with some progressive activists, Biden said his $426 billion student loan forgiveness was accomplished by ‘a law’ that he had ‘just signed. ‘I got it passed by a vote or two.’ No. He. Did. Not.

Biden was not merely again embellishing his achievements. This is not just another of his verbal fender benders. There is no less-than-dismaying explanation for his complete confusion. What vote? Who voted?

It is frightening that Biden does not know, or remember, what he recently did regarding an immensely important policy. He must be presumed susceptible to future episodes of similar bewilderment. He should leave the public stage on Jan. 20, 2025.

Will said of Kamaltoe, noting that she presents herself as critics have described:

[L]ike someone giving a book report on a book she has not read.

Her style betrays a self-satisfied exaggeration of her aptitudes.

Lacking natural talent, she needs to prepare, but evidently doesn’t.

Complacency and arrogance make a ruinous compound.

Choose any or all of the above—there is no kind way to accurately describe an airhead who is at least two Peter Principle positions higher than she belongs.

Will continued:

In 2024, the Republican Party might present the nation with a presidential nominee whose unfitness has been demonstrated.

No kidding, Mr. Will. But “unfitness” can only describe another communist. Much of the country—and the world—intend for this current catastrophic cabal—The Obiden Regime—not to be continued much beyond the end of 2022.

After next Tuesday’s sobering election results, [democrats communists] should resolve not to insult and imperil the nation by doing likewise.

Final thoughts: What is Will’s motive for saying out loud what at least 75% of the nation—and much of the world—is thinking? Possibly priming the pump for Twenty-Fifth Amendment action? If so, Drunken Fran Nan would be next in line. Oh, please let there be a Trump-controlled military coup and Martial Law before Nan and Paul’s vodka swilling afternoons go prime time and are thrust upon the nation and the world in Jerry Springer-style detail.