After Whoopi Takes Cheap Shot at Clarence Thomas—She Proves the Supreme Court Justice Right on Diversity

If you feel you need to witness the extent of the left’s stupidity, simply watch The View. You’ll experience true stupidity on full display.

Most intelligent Americans avoid this show like the plague, however, many brain-dead and emotionally unstable liberals actually believe what these harping crones have to say is gospel.

This from

Former actress Whoopi Goldberg decided to insult the respected Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, which followed his recent criticism of colleges’ discriminatory “affirmative action” policies,

Whoopi—simply being her bloviating self—had to chime-in despite not knowing a thing about the issue.

From The Western Journal:

Goldberg reacted by suggesting that Thomas—the longest-tenured Supreme Court justice and the second black person to serve on the high court—was unqualified because he was a beneficiary of affirmative action.

The TV host claimed that Justice Thomas would not have become a Supreme Court justice, had it not been for affirmative action policies that give preferential treatment to minorities.

And, it seems that [Justice] Thomas did get into Yale because he was a black man.

But the Justice quickly discovered, once he was out of college, that affirmative action was a curse, not a blessing.
Many law firms avoided Thomas, assuming he was given special treatment while in college. Despite having stellar grades from a respected university, he suffered from the ‘taint of racial preference.’


Affirmative action rewards race over achievement—so people in the real world are doubtful.


For decades, colleges have spit out graduates who skirted by because of their skin color. And companies ended up with poorly trained and unqualified workers.

Affirmative action actually ended up hurting Thomas, who had to work twice as hard to overcome the stigma.

He even said that the stigma viewed by companies was real because many people who benefited from affirmative action weren’t qualified for their jobs.

Now, why is he being attacked by a former comedian for trying to end this stigma for millions of future college graduates?

Whoopi tried to slander Thomas, without even understanding the consequences of what he is doing.

All she saw was a conservative man and it was knives out. Perhaps next time she’ll think before she speaks. But that isn’t likely—this is a woman who ignorantly insulted Holocaust victims.

Final thoughts: Neither the title ‘comedienne’ nor ‘talk show presenter’ grant license to slander or impugn without consequences. Perhaps Justice Thomas has become encouraged to lead the Court toward hearing a Free Speech-related case which may bring about the establishment of consequences for such actions.

Further, Goldberg defined one significant fault of ‘Affirmative Action’ by suggesting that Justice Thomas “was unqualified because he was a beneficiary of affirmative action.” Doubtful she realizes the lesson learned, however. Afterall, indication is she too benefitted of affirmative action.

God speed to Conservatism.