Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Says Reparations Would Have Saved Blacks From COVID-19

They say money can’t buy you love or happiness, but according to Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, it can protect black people from a deadly virus. The insane democrat said on the House floor that if Congress had approved slave reparations, blacks wouldn’t have contracted or transmitted COVID-19. The beauty part of this racially-charged pseudo science is that an impossible thing that never happened can’t technically be proven wrong.

The House basically had an open mic night today, where any member could get up and rant about whatever crazy thing they felt like. Sheila Jackson Lee used her time to tsk tsk Congress for not stealing our money and giving it to black people in the form of reparations.

She kicked things off by lying that black slaves built the White House and the Capitol building, arguing that we owe their descendants a huge payout.

Then, it came to this:

“There is no doubt that we have been impacted, the d uh a, the DNA in the trans, the trajectory of slavery til today. For example the COVID, black African Americans got COVID at nearly a rate of one and a half times higher than that of white people, or hospitalized at a rate nearly four times higher, three times likely to die. COVID hit us very desperately,” said Jackson Lee.

But how did the non-black African Americans make out? Jackson Lee wouldn’t say but she did add this:

“Interestingly, a recent peer-reviewed study from Harvard medical school suggests that reparations for African Americans could have cut COVID-19 transmission and infection rates both among blacks and the population at large,” Jackson Lee said.

How is something this ridiculously false interesting?

First, I guarantee that Harvard medical school didn’t publish a study that said slave reparations would have kept black people from getting and dying from COVID-19. It probably said something to the effect that COVID was more devastating to poor people and since there are a lot of poor blacks, they fared pretty badly during the pandemic.

The other thing to consider here is that fact that black people didn’t take the pandemic very seriously and refused to take simple steps to avoid contracting the virus. They didn’t quarantine, socially distance, wear masks, or practice basic hygiene like hand washing. When the vaccine became available, they were the demographic that was least likely to get it.

Maybe some of that stuff can explain why black people got sicker and died more than the rest of the population.

Naw, it’s gotta be racist. COVID-19 was obviously a white supremacist virus, created by the Chinese, to target African Americans, the black ones, and they only real protection is if the government gives our money, that we don’t owe, to people who don’t deserve it.

Once again the democrats prove the party of science is actually the party of bullshit.