Jim Jordan Set to Take Over House Judiciary Committee, Taking Aim at DOJ and FBI

Republicans will gain control of the House of Representatives come January and that means: The GOP (God willing, Conservatism) will control all of the House committees.

This from redstate.com.

Good news, indeed, in the wake of communists abusing their majority position to embark on witch hunt after witch hunt after witch hunt.

The best news of all may be that conservative super star Jim Jordan (R-OH) will chair the House Judiciary Committee. And he is ready to get down to business.

His first order of business? Demanding accountability from the DOJ and the FBI:

Jordan and Republicans have sought information on the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, alleged FISA abuse, information on domestic violent extremism cases, the Justice Department’s efforts to monitor parents at school board meetings and label them as domestic terrorists, among other issues.

Jordan has already informed Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and other DOJ officials that his committee will be calling on them to testify about the blatant politicization of their offices.

Jordan is “seeking voluntary testimony and compliance” from Garland and Wray, but he knows how to go full-fledged “assh*le” if the perps decline to comply.

Via Fox News:

Jordan is warning both Garland and Wray that if the requests “remain outstanding” at the beginning of the next Congress, the committee “may be forced to resort to compulsory process to obtain the material we require.”

In letters to Garland and Wray, Jordon wrote:

The congressional oversight power, rooted in Article I of the Constitution, is ‘broad and indispensable.’

This authority ‘encompasses inquiries into the administration of existing laws, studies of proposed law, and surveys of defects in our societal, economic, or political system for the purpose of enabling the Congress to remedy them.’


Got that, a**holes? Comply or rot in a holding tank. And don’t screw with us. We’re short on sense of humor right now.

Jordan is going to be one busy man come January, as RedState’s Mike Miller reported:

[H]e’s also going to focus on the alleged involvement of the FBI in the Hunter Biden scandal cover-up.


We’re going to try to help Representative Comer and the team here at Oversight with our work on Judiciary, but with a specific focus on what the FBI was doing. There’s [sic] so many questions that need answers so we can get to the bottom of this.

And then there’s White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, to be interrogated and all but tortured to encourage him to talk.

The new Judiciary Committee surely would like to hear from him and his staff about the misuse of federal criminal and counterterrorism resources to target concerned parents at school board meetings.

The cooperation of Miguel Cardona and the Department is also kindly requested, as they, too, have some things to answer for about their treatment of parents during the COVID years.

But, wait, there’s more!

It’s almost too good to be true, but Jordan and his fellow Republican members of the Judiciary Committee also have their sights set on Alejandro Mayorkas and the Department of Homeland Security.

According to Fox News, Jordan:

[S]ent a letter with other GOP lawmakers requesting ‘unfettered cooperation’ from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and 10 other DHS officials in providing testimony for the committee’s investigations.

Republicans have vowed to implement strict oversight of DHS activities in light of controversies over a proposed ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ and the ongoing migration crisis at the southern border.

Tally sheets ready, Def-Con News readers?

For those keeping score at home, these individuals are being called up to answer for their past behaviors:

  • Merrick Garland
  • Christopher Wray
  • Miguel Cardona
  • Alejandro Mayorkas

This is what they need to answer for:

  • The raid on Mar-a-Lago
  • FISA abuse
  • Monitoring of parents at school board meetings
  • Labeling parents as domestic terrorists
  • The “causes and consequences of the unprecedented Biden border crisis”

Get that popcorn popping and beverages chilling, fellow Patriots. Perhaps warm drinks for some of us old times.

We the People are being promised fireworks. And the big question being asked:


Will the Conservative members of the Republican Party produce and remain unhindered by the RINOs?


Final thoughts: These are great plans, indeed, but We the People must expect stonewalling and obfuscation from the Left as well as their continued lying, cheating, and stealing. Who are we to imagine that a change in the control of the U.S. House will bring any of that to a stop?

Keep in mind, Once incarcerated a thief is still a thief and is then limited only by the selection of pilferables.

Here’s hoping and praying Congressman Jordan et al aren’t just blowing smoke and will actually get down and dirty.