US Air Marshals Planning to MUTINY Against Biden Admin Order to Deploy to Southern Border

The Obiden Regime has ordered U.S. Air Marshals to the southern border over the ever-unfolding immigration disaster that Biden has created.

This from

But U.S. Air Marshals are planning an open rebellion against the mandatory order because they believe their jobs protecting people on flights are much more crucial.

Here’s the scoop:


U.S. air marshals are planning to stage an open rebellion against the [Obiden Regime] over a plan that would strip 99% of commercial flights from federal protection as people take to the skies during the busiest time of the year for air travel.

Dozens of federal air marshals have agreed to refuse an [Obiden Regime] order that they leave their assignments and go to the southern border, where they will drive, feed, and care for illegal immigrants due to a shortage of Border Patrol agents.

David Londo, president of the Air Marshal National Council, said in a phone call with the Washington Examiner on Tuesday:

The rank-and-file air marshals are going to refuse to deploy and risk termination.


“You’re almost going to have a mutiny of a federal agency, which is unheard of.”


Londo, whose organization serves as an association not a union, said:

Morale is so destroyed from this. I’ve never seen anything like this.

More from the Washington Examiner:

The [Regime’s] order would leave just 1-in-100 U.S. flights with federal agents on board, one-eighth of its normal coverage.

It is the first time amid the 20-month-long unresolved border crisis that federal employees have formally turned against Joe Biden and his Senate-confirmed officials at the Department of Homeland Security.

The air marshals are willing to risk everything for how the government is risking national security, Londo explained.

The air marshals, who are federal law enforcement agents within the Transportation Security Administration’s Federal Air Marshal Service, have been tasked with menial jobs at the border.

Just this week, air marshals pulled from planes and sent to the border were “heating up sandwiches,” driving immigrants in custody to the hospital and waiting inside for hours on hospital watch, and effectively babysitting adults who are already in confined spaces, Londo said.

Londo wrote in the letter obtained first by the Washington Examiner:

These highly skilled [air marshals] are being made to perform mainly non-law enforcement civilian humanitarian duties.


This is a further measure to bring down America.


The Regime is risking the safety and security of the American people and damaging the pride and morale of trained Air Marshalls by trying to force them to perform menial tasks.

We can expect a catastrophe, and the Oval Orifice and its colluding mass propaganda media will somehow blame the Trump Administration in the aftermath.

Final thoughts: The Regime is striving to tear at the heart of America. Air Marshalls should not have anything to do with the southern border fiasco and the herding of illegal aliens.

The Obiden Regime is setting us up for another 9/11, or worse.


God speed to the effective Take Back of Our Constitutional Republic—very damn soon.