Federal Court Blocks Obiden Regime’s Transgender Surgery Mandate

SALUTE: The Obiden Regime’s radical agenda is being blocked in the courts.

A federal appeals court blocked The Regime’s transgender mandate—it would have forced religious doctors and hospitals to perform gender-transition procedures.

The plaintiffs in the case were the state of North Dakota, the Catholic Charities of North Dakota, four groups in the Religious Sisters of Mercy, the Catholic Benefits Association, the Catholic Medical Association, and the Diocese of Fargo.

A federal appeals court today permanently blocked the [Obiden Regime’s] attempt to force religious doctors and hospitals to perform gender-transition procedures, concluding that the [Regime’s] plan would violate a key federal law protecting religious freedom. This is the second appeals court ruling blocking the controversial transgender mandate.

In Sisters of Mercy v. Becerra, a coalition of Catholic hospitals, a Catholic university, and Catholic nuns who run health clinics for the poor challenged the [Obiden Regime’s] attempt to invoke the Affordable Care Act to force doctors and hospitals to perform controversial gender-reassignment procedures—on pain of multimillion-dollar financial penalties—even when doing so would violate the doctor’s conscience and could harm the patient.

A federal district court held that this transgender mandate was unlawful and blocked it from taking effect. The [Obiden Regime] then appealed to the Eight Circuit, which today concluded that the “district court correctly held that ‘intrusion upon the Catholic Plaintiffs’ exercise of religion’” supported permanent protection.

Luke Goodrich, VP and senior counsel at Becket, said:

The federal government has no business forcing doctors to violate their consciences or perform controversial procedures that could permanently harm their patients.

This is a common-sense ruling that protects patients, aligns with best medical practice, and ensures doctors can follow their Hippocratic Oath to ‘do no harm.’

Today’s victory sets an important precedent that religious healthcare professionals are free to practice medicine in accordance with their consciences and experienced professional judgment.

The government’s attempt to force doctors to go against their consciences was bad for patients, bad for doctors, and bad for religious liberty.

A second case is on the docket in the 8th circuit court of appeals.

The Catholic Courier reported:

The case the 8th Circuit is due to rule on is called Sisters of Mercy v. Becerra.

On Jan. 21, 2021, a court struck down the Obama-era HHS mandate, and the [Obiden Regime] appealed to the 8th Circuit, which heard oral arguments in the case Dec. 15, 2021.

A huge win against tyranny and for religious freedom!


Final thought: Let’s Go Brandon.